How To Identify a Military Romance Scam

Last Updated on March 30, 2023

How To Identify a Military Romance Scam

It can be heartbreaking to think you have met the perfect partner online, only to find out they are a military romance scammer. Unfortunately, this happens more often than we would like to admit, and unfortunately, those most vulnerable fall prey to it. If you’ve ever experienced something like this or become suspicious of someone’s claimed military identity, this blog post is for you! Through this guide, we want to educate victims on identifying a military romance scam.

What Are Military Romance Scams? How Do They Work?

Military romance scams are a form of online fraud. Preying on the fragile emotional states of lonely individuals, these scammers use romantic language and promises of love to lure unsuspecting victims into providing money, goods, and personal information.

Often targeting those who have previously served in the military or currently serving members, these con artists will falsely use photos and stories of real people via social media or online dating apps to gain trust from potential targets. Once trust is established, they will often request monetary funds for professional fees or goods, claiming they need it to carry out their jobs while abroad.

In some cases, they will even try to coerce their victims into revealing sensitive financial and other personal details such as passwords and dates of birth over exchange websites like PayPal or Western Union. It is essential to be vigilant in protecting your finances and emotionally investing yourself when interacting with strangers online so that you do not become a victim of these malicious schemes.

Warning Signs of Military Romance Scams

Military romance scams are a growing issue in today’s online dating world. Unfortunately, these malicious scammers often prey on the trust and good intentions of those who have served in the military and have family members currently deployed, making them an easy target for these types of fraud.

Warning signs:

· Beware of any requests for money. Scammers often claim that they need money to pay for their leave. Military leave does not require payment and is a trick they often use!

· Additionally, anyone who does not want to meet in person. This is important because if the scammer were to meet you in person, it would give up its façade, and the scam would be over. Often, they will come up with excuses or try and cancel last minute.

· Finally, any unusually swift of progression. This can look like sudden intense flattery. Scammers use this technique to gain their victim’s trust quickly.

Please take all warning signs seriously and immediately report any suspected fraud.

What to do if You’ve been scammed online

Being scammed online can be a very distressing experience, especially if you’ve had personal information or funds stolen. The best thing to do is remain calm and take action as quickly as possible. Start reporting the fraud immediately. Start by making sure your accounts are as secure as possible. Set

up 2-factor identification and strong passwords. Next, if money loss or transfers were involved, contact your bank and credit card companies to help protect your account and review any fraudulent transactions. In addition, contact the Federal Trade Commission and file a complaint, which will document evidence of the scam and provide them with sufficient grounds to investigate further. Remember that prompt action is essential when protecting yourself from online scams, so do not delay!

How to Report a Romance Scam

Reporting a romance scam online should be your first step in protecting yourself if you have been targeted. Most of the time, law enforcement cannot help due to jurisdictional reasons, but reporting the incident is still essential.

While it will not guarantee a refund or an arrest, filing a complaint with organizations such as the Federal Trade Commission, Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), and other state or local agencies can help document your experience and shut down fraudulent accounts that are working to target other innocent victims. Knowing the methods used by scammers and reporting them is one way to fight against this serious problem that affects thousands of people each year.


Military romance scams are all too common and can be heartbreaking, particularly for those victims who have served our country with distinction. While it can be daunting to differentiate a real from a fake member of the military seeking romance connections, there are key traits to look for when trying to ensure you are not being taken advantage of.

If you are a victim of a military romance scam or want more information on staying safe online, contact Cyber Investigation immediately. Our cyber investigators are available 24/7 with our sextortion helpline. With their experienced staff that specializes in digital forensic investigations, they can provide unmatched advice and quality solutions for whatever issue you may face.