Common Scams On Dating Sites

Last Updated on May 16, 2023

What Are Common Scams On Dating Sites

Are you using dating apps like Tinder or Bumble? If so, it is important to be aware of the potential scams when connecting with strangers online. Whether you have had a bad experience or want tips for staying safe while searching for love, read on for more information about common scams on dating sites.

What are the Most Common Online Dating Scams?

Online dating can be a great way to find companionship or even love, but it can also come with certain risks. Unfortunately, scammers are everywhere and use online dating to take advantage of trusting people. While no one scam happens more often than another, common scams include:

Catfishing scams:

When a profile is created using fake information, this can include stolen photos and personal data. Often elaborate stories are designed to gain the victim’s trust. Once this is gained, the scammer will start asking for money or other forms of assistance.

Romance Scams:

Romance scams involve someone pretending to be interested in a romantic relationship to gain access to their money or personal information. This scam usually targets the elderly or financially independent and is particularly effective because it takes advantage of people’s natural desire for companionship and love.

Phishing Scams:

This usually shows up as a legitimate message or email, but it will contain malicious links that lead to fraudulent websites where personal information can be stolen. Double-check the source before clicking on any suspicious links to avoid falling victim to phishing scams, and never provide personal information to unsourced websites.

Sextortion Scams:

Online Sextortion is when someone threatens to release embarrassing images or videos if their victim does not comply with their demands for payment or other favors. To protect yourself from online sextortion, never engage in any type of sexual activity online and never share intimate images or videos with anyone unless you know them well enough offline and can trust them completely.

Romance Scam Warnings Signs

Online dating is becoming increasingly popular, and scammers are upgrading their tactics to keep up. Knowing the warning signs of a scam before it has a chance to occur is one of the most efficient ways to protect yourself or your loved ones. Look out for someone who moves too quickly into the intimate territory and claims love after only a short period of communication, requests personal photos, or provides multiple excuses when unable to meet in person.

Furthermore, beware of requests for large sums of money, usually with compelling stories that tug at your heartstrings and create an urgency that prevents you from thinking clearly. By familiarizing yourself with these red flags, you can minimize the chances of being taken advantage of in the name of love scams.

How to Report a Dating Scammer

Dating scams are, unfortunately, a reality, and those affected by this type of fraud should not hesitate to report the cyber-crime immediately. An effective way to quickly report a dating scam is to contact and file a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). When filing a complaint, be as detailed as possible and include any emails, phone numbers, usernames, addresses, or other information that might be useful in identifying the scammer. Also, report the crime to the FBI’s Internet Crimes Complaint Center. Lastly, report the scammer directly to the dating website or social media application you were talking to them on. If you believe you have been scammed, do not hesitate–talking to someone about it; try and remember you are not alone.


Dating sites can be a fun and exciting way to meet potential partners. Still, unfortunately, they can also be a hunting ground for scammers looking for an easy opportunity to take advantage of people. It is always important to stay alert, knows who you are talking to, and never give away personal information or money. Never hesitate to report any suspicious activity you encounter on a dating site, as it could prevent someone from falling victim. If you have been the victim of a scam, it is essential that you reach out for help right away.

Hire a cyber investigator to help see if further steps need to be taken for justice to be served. Cyber Investigation has a 24/7 blackmail helpline. Acting now can ensure that similar crimes do not happen in the future – so do not let them get away with it! Report a dating scam today with Cyber Investigation.