How To Handle Sextortion on Facebook?

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

It’s a difficult and frightening topic to broach, but if you use Facebook, it is important to be aware of the dangers of sextortion. When malicious individuals demand money or sexual favors in exchange for not sharing information or pictures that could damage your reputation–or worse, your livelihood–it can feel like there is nothing you can do. Keep reading for some tips on how to handle sextortion on Facebook.

What to Do If Someone Sextortion You on Facebook?

Facebook has become a platform where cybercriminals have run rampant scams and sextortion operations, which can be both frightening and paralyzing. It is easy to feel helpless and unsure of how to respond if a stranger on the internet makes such claims. Try not to panic and follow these directions below if you find yourself in a sextortion bind.


  • First, document all of the messages, including who sent them and when they were sent, just in case you need to report them later.
  • Next make sure you do not pay the criminal. If you can try to stall them. I know it can be tempting to give in to their demands but often this can make the perpetrator more aggressive.
  • Then you are going to want to report this crime right away. You can report the crime directly through Facebook, with your local law enforcement, and online through the FBI Crimes Complaint Center.
  • Finally, take the time to change passwords and review your privacy settings to prevent any further breaches of security.

Online Sextortion has become increasingly common on Facebook recently, but with a few intelligent steps, victims don’t necessarily have to worry about enduring any actual consequences. Taking these measures can help protect you from future attempts at sextortion on Facebook.

Do Blackmailers on Facebook Follow Through?

The prevalence of Facebook has made it easier for would-be blackmailers to reach their targets than ever before. Despite the accessibility and reach of Facebook, however, there is no guarantee that a blackmailer will follow through on their threats. It is important to remember that most malicious messages sent over Facebook are empty threats. If a person is threatened over Facebook, they should take measures to secure any sensitive data they possess and report the incident to authorities if necessary. Reaching out to someone trustworthy can also be advantageous, since having moral support can help in these situations. Blackmailers have become increasingly common on the internet recently, but with a few intelligent steps, victims don’t necessarily have to worry about enduring any actual consequences.

How Do I Get Out of Sextortion?

If you’re a victim of sextortion, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Even though these cybercrimes can be incredibly traumatic, there are steps you can take to regain control. Cyber Investigation is a viable solution: hiring experts who specialize in digital forensics can help get the proof necessary to build a legal case against the perpetrator. By utilizing specialized tools and expertise to assess digital evidence and trace cyber-criminal activity, Cyber Investigation has a unique ability to provide invaluable insights into these cases. Whether it’s helping solve malware attacks or tracking down suspected Facebook sextortion fraudsters, our investigators identify perpetrators, prevent future cybercrimes, and ensure that justice is served. Victims of Facebook sextortion can find closure while perpetrators are held accountable for their actions with Cyber Investigation.


Sextortion is a real issue that should be taken seriously, especially when it occurs on social media platforms such as Facebook. Sextortion can have serious mental and financial consequences, so it’s important to take proper precautions online. It is important to remember to never give in to sextortion demands from strangers on websites like Facebook, and instead find coping and prevention methods to protect yourself from future occurrences. Educating yourself on how to handle sextortion on Facebook can also go a long way in helping keep you safe and empower you in such situations.

If you or someone you know is the victim of sextortion, reach out to Cyber Investigation today. We have a 24/7 sextortion helpline available to further assess your needs and help you get rid of Facebook sextortion for good.