Reporting Sextortion in Ohio

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

It’s an unimaginable situation no one should ever face: sextortion. Unfortunately, the problem of sextortion is growing in Ohio, with more and more victims feeling helpless and afraid after their trust has been violated maliciously. But there are resources available and steps you can take if you find yourself a victim of sextortion in Ohio. Keep reading for all you need to know about sextortion in Ohio.

What is Sextortion in Ohio?

Sextortion is an increasing concern in Ohio as a form of blackmail. Sextortion criminals typically pose as romantic partners and demand money or photos from their targets after threatening to share personal information about the victim. Unfortunately, these criminals sometimes succeed when victims feel scared or embarrassed and comply with their demands. It’s essential for everyone, particularly Ohioans, to understand that paying the ransom does not guarantee safety, as criminals can continue to target victims who they know can pay them off. Therefore, learning how to prevent sextortion and understanding how it works are vital steps in taking charge of your online security and staying safe when using the internet.

Ohio Laws on Sextortion Ohio places a high priority on protecting its citizens online, so its state legislature passed 2903.21 and 2903.22 of the Ohio Revised Code to create laws explicitly related to sextortion. Sextortion is a crime where an individual uses personal images or information against someone else to acquire money or other services. 2903.21 specifically addresses those individuals using electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, and the internet to partake in sextortion. 2903.22 relates more broadly to spousal sextortion, thus affording special protection for those victims subject to criminal threats from their significant other. All people of Ohio can be secure in knowing that their state has taken steps to protect them from digital and familial sextortion attempts under these laws.

How to Report Sextortion in Ohio

Reporting sextortion in Ohio can seem overwhelming and intimidating, but the process is designed to be straightforward. To begin, it is essential to connect with law enforcement right away. They have a legal obligation to investigate any reported incident of sextortion and will be able to provide additional resources as needed. In addition, local police departments should be able to refer victims of sextortion to specialized organizations specifically equipped to provide support services such as legal advocacy and mental health counseling. You must not be embarrassed or afraid when reporting this crime. Ohio law enforcement professionals take all crimes of this nature seriously and do their best to protect victims of sexual extortion.

What Happens After You Report Sextortion in OH

After you submit all the forms, Ohio will investigate your claim and work on finding justice for you. They may be able to work with local law enforcement to get information to help build a case against the perpetrator, but this will take time. They may also provide other resources to help you through this challenging situation. We also recommend that you report this crime to Cyber Investigation. They can take your case right away with our 24/7 sextortion hotline. Our trained investigators our experts in tracking these cyber terrorizers. With Cyber Investigation on your side, you do not have to go through this alone.


Sextortion is a serious crime, and in Ohio, victims have rights and access to legal help. Victims and their families should not feel ashamed or embarrassed; the abuse was not their fault. No one should have to suffer in seclusion with no way out – call the police, our 24/7 hotline, or contact your attorney if you find yourself the victim of sextortion in Ohio. Help is available, so don’t hesitate to get started today. Together, we can ensure that victims of sextortion no longer have to face these horrors alone – let’s encourage everyone out there who needs help or justice to take action now: Reporting Sextortion in Ohio: How to Get Help and Seek Justice!