Understanding Our Fast, Discreet Services.





You Are Safe With Us

Call us now! We can help you to STOP EMAIL SEXTORTION

Prevent Exposure

We can keep your private images from being posted online.

Hire An Ally

We have been fighting Email Sextortion for years.


Identify Criminals

We can track down IP addresses and service providers used by the criminals.

Take Control

Don’t let Email SEXTORTIONIST ruin your life and reputation.

Questions and Answers

What is sextortion email?

Sextortion is a serious crime that occurs when someone threatens to distribute your private and sensitive material if you don’t provide them with images of sexual nature, favors or money. typically the perpetrator has (or purports) some compromising pictures/videos but their threat can go as far off-the cuff like sharing it online where all sorts people will see what’s happening straight away!

Sextortion Email is a form of online sextortion.

How do I report sextortion email?

If you have been contacted by an extortionist who demands sexually explicit materials, do not give in! Document all communications with them and contact law enforcement. You can also report this activity to social media/website administrators or other national agencies like INTERPOL if there is not already a dedicated task force looking into these cases for your area of residence (or country). Retain legal counsel before proceeding because it may be illegal under local laws where these crimes take place; don’t risk penalties such as prison time when caught possession

How fast can you stop sextortion emails?

Once we take over your case, you will no longer have to deal with the blackmailers. We typically resolve the issue in a few days, and in some cases, we can do it in a few hours. Our experts know how to stop extortion on Facebook.

Do you keep all of this strictly confidential?

We work under a strict non-disclosure agreement. Your privacy is of paramount importance to us. We will not discuss your case with anyone but you.

Will sextortionists go away if I shut down my email?

No. They will simply reach out to your family, friends and employers and show them your private photo or video. They hope to scare you into paying them to make them stop. But they won’t ever stop, of course, unless you take real action.

Will the FBI or police help me?

Probably not. Sextortionists usually operate overseas, beyond the jurisdiction of the FBI or your local police department. Law enforcement focuses on crimes in their own jurisdiction, and typically will not have the time to handle this blackmail situation for you.

Can you delete my picture and video?

We work with Instagram , YouTube and other online platforms to get private images taken down quickly, often within minutes of them being posted.

Why should I trust you?

When it comes to extortion on Instagram, we know what to do. We have a high success rate in keeping our clients’ private material offline. We know how to locate criminals and contact police in their overseas jurisdictions. We have helped thousands of people just like you. Sextortion Email is hard to stop. but we can.

We Provide Investigative Services That Match Your Needs & Your Budget

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