Understanding Our Fast, Discreet Services.





You Are Safe With Us

Call us now we can help you to STOP SEXTORTION SCAM

Prevent Exposure

We can keep your private images from being posted online.

Hire An Ally

We have been fighting sextortion scam for years.


Identify Criminals

We can track down IP addresses and service providers used by the criminals.

Take Control

Don’t let SEXTORTIONIST scams ruin your life and reputation.

Questions and Answers

What is sextortion?

Relationships online these days sometimes take an intimate turn. People share sexy pictures, exchange videos and engage in sexual talk. It might seem like just having fun, but sometimes it leads to blackmail.

Extortion or online blackmail of this kind is also known as “sextortion,” and it can involve money or a demand for more sexual images.

We have handled thousands of these cases, and we know all of their criminal tricks. In the vast majority of cases, we stop them from ever sharing any intimate images or private information.

Do you keep all of this strictly confidential?

We work under a strict non-disclosure agreement. Your privacy is of paramount importance to us. We will not discuss your case with anyone but you.

Will the FBI or police help me?

Probably not. Sextortionists usually operate overseas, beyond the jurisdiction of the FBI or your local police department. Law enforcement focuses on crimes in their own jurisdiction, and typically will not have the time to handle this blackmail situation for you.

Can you delete my picture and video?

We work with Instagram , YouTube and other online platforms to get private images taken down quickly, often within minutes of them being posted. On our website you can report extortion on facebook, instagram extortion etc.

Why should I trust you?

When it comes to extortion on Instagram, we know what to do. We have a high success rate in keeping our clients’ private material offline. We know how to locate criminals and contact police in their overseas jurisdictions. We have helped thousands of people just like you.

We Provide Investigative Services That Match Your Needs & Your Budget

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