How To Get a Restraining Order in Louisiana

Last Updated on June 26, 2023

How To Get a Restraining Order in Louisiana?

In Louisiana, a restraining order can provide legal protection if you are a victim of violence or abuse. A restraining order is an official document issued by the court that prohibits contact between two or more parties; this type of order helps to ensure your safety and well-being. This blog post will explain how to get a restraining order in Louisiana.

What Are the Requirements for a Restraining Order in Louisiana?

It can be a confusing and stressful process to obtain a restraining order in Louisiana, but knowing the requirements upfront can make the task less daunting. In most cases, Louisiana requires evidence that a person has been abused or is in potential danger of being harmed.

Depending on the type of restraining order, proof may also be required that there has been some form of recent communication with the aggressor by you or someone else who may have witnessed the abuse. Obtaining a restraining order takes time, so it’s important to prepare as much information as possible when filing the paperwork in court. To make sure everything is in order and you have all you need before going to court, reach out to legal aid or other legal services for further assistance.

How to Get a Restraining Order in Louisiana?

Obtaining a restraining order in Louisiana can be an important step in protecting yourself and your family from potential harm. To get a restraining order, you must go to the clerk of court for the parish in which you live and fill out a petition for protective orders. Once the petition has been completed, the potential abuser must be served with papers that explain the project order and when the hearing will take place.

During this time, a judge will decide whether or not to grant your request for protection. It’s important to remember that protective orders are a serious matter and having one put into place usually means there is an underlying issue of violence or harm that needs to be addressed. Therefore, getting a restraining order can offer additional security and peace of mind if you are feeling threatened or intimidated by someone else in Louisiana.

How Long Does a No Contact Order Last?

A No Contact Order is a vital tool to protect the safety of individuals against potential abusers. While these orders exist in specific parameters of time, understanding the steps one must take to acquire and dissolve the order can help create better clarity on how long it may last. To apply for a No Contact Order, you must file a formal request with the courts or through your local law enforcement agency. Typically, these requests are granted within 48 hours but some States may allow up to three days until they finalize decisions.

The exact length of the issued order depends on multiple conditions such as domestic status, pre-existing criminal records, and state legislation laws. In many cases, if no criminal activity is involved then-No Contact Orders go into effect for 30 to 45 days maximum. It is important to note that each State sets its definition of what constitutes ‘actionable behavior’ during this time period and sets punishments for their violation accordingly.


Louisiana offers highly important and beneficial protective mechanisms like restraining orders that can offer a sense of security to victims of traumatic or ongoing harassment. Now that you know how you can get a restraining order in Louisiana, consider taking the necessary steps to explore this option and protect yourself from further harm. Speak with an attorney about your legal rights and what type of protection will best suit your needs. It is also important to be aware of any potential danger that may come with an order like this and take appropriate precautions for your safety. Take action today and put your safety first!

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