How To File a Restraining Order in Santa Clara County

Last Updated on June 26, 2023

How To File a Restraining Order in Santa Clara County?

If you feel unsafe, harassed, or threatened by another person in Santa Clara County, California, you may be eligible to file for a restraining order. This document can protect you from harm and provide peace of mind. Read on to find out how to file a restraining order in Santa Clara County.

Types of Restraining Orders Available in Santa Clara County

There are four types of restraining orders available in Santa Clara County:

  • Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA) Restraining Orders: These restraining orders are for victims of domestic violence who have been abused by a current or former intimate partner.
  • Workplace Violence Prevention Orders: These restraining orders are for employees who have been threatened or harassed at work.
  • Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention Orders: These restraining orders are for elders or dependent adults who have been abused by a caregiver or family member.
  • Civil Harassment Prevention Orders: These restraining orders are for individuals who have been harassed by someone they don’t have a close relationship with, such as a neighbor or co-worker.

To get started on seeking protection through a restraining order, contact your local county court clerk.

How to Choose the Right One

The type of restraining order you will need will depend on your specific situation. Before making your choice, it’s imperative that you thoroughly research all your options. Be sure to explore state laws as different states have different regulations regarding such orders.

It’s also wise to consult with an attorney who is well-versed in the laws regarding restraining orders so you can determine whether a restraining order would be appropriate for each situation. Lastly, if possible, talking to someone who has had experience going through the process of getting a restraining order can help provide valuable insight before taking another step forward in the process.

How to File a Restraining Order in Santa Clara County?

In Santa Clara County, California, a restraining order can provide you with protection from further physical or emotional and physical abuse. To file a restraining order below follows these steps:

  1. Acquire the Form and Instructions Packet. The form can be picked up at a courthouse near you or online at Make sure that all forms are filled out completely and accurately — an incomplete packet will be rejected by the court.
  2. Submit Your Petition. Once your form is completed and signed, submit it with any supporting documentation to the court clerk. They will review it and then forward it to a judge if appropriate. The clerk may ask you questions about your petition before submitting it so make sure you’re prepared with your answers beforehand.
  3. Attend Your Hearing Date. After submitting your petition, the court will schedule a hearing date for both parties involved —the petitioner (you) and the respondent (the person being restrained). You must attend this hearing or else your petition will be dismissed without prejudice (meaning that you can re-file). Arrive early and bring any documents that support your case with you to present them to the judge as evidence.
  4. Follow Through with Your Order Once Issued. If granted by the judge, follow through with all provisions outlined in your restraining order such as avoiding contact with the respondent or any other activity outlined in your order. If any changes need to be made during its duration, such as changing addresses or adding new people to the order, notify the court immediately so they can adjust accordingly.

Seeking Help: Resources and Support for Individuals

Taking the step to seek help can be difficult, but it’s a courageous decision that can pave the way for a better future. Whether you are facing abuse of any kind or simply need support, there are resources and services available. Victims of domestic violence can visit for immediate help. There are also many nonprofit organizations providing counseling services for those facing emotional distress.


Filing for a restraining order is an important step toward protecting yourself from potential harm. Always remember that there are other resources available if needed too such as emergency sheltering services or confidential counseling services provided by local organizations in Santa Clara County like Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence or Community Solution’s Supportive Housing Program. Ultimately, determining how to file a restraining order in Santa Clara County will be a difficult decision that requires careful consideration — but it may be the best way for you to stay safe.

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