What to Do If Someone Blackmails You on WhatsApp

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

WhatsApp, the messaging app with over 1.5 billion users, has become a popular tool for blackmailers. If someone threatens to share embarrassing or compromising images of you with your contacts unless you pay them money, what should you do? This post will outline some steps that you can take and answer your question What to Do If Someone Blackmails You on WhatsApp.

What to Do Now That You Are a Blackmail Victim

You’re being harassed with threatening messages and calls left and right and things aren’t looking like they are going to settle down anytime soon so what now? What can you do to get yourself out of this terrible situation? Here are some tips to follow once you are faced with sextortion on WhatsApp.

  • Document the entire conversation you’ve had with your suspect including messages, threats, dates, times, account profiles, etc.
  • Lock down all of your social media presence. You could either delete accounts or make them as private as possible.
  • Do not ignore or block your blackmailer. This will cause things to escalate, plus these criminals create hundreds of burner numbers so it’s hard to silence them.
  • Do not pay your blackmailer! They will keep asking for more money. Instead, stall for as long as you can until you get help.
  • Tell a loved one about your situation. Sextortion comes with emotional and mental troubles. Get the support you need.
  • Reach out to authorities and experts to make a report and get help.

How to Deal with WhatsApp Blackmail?

Online blackmail is hard for anyone to deal with especially if they are alone in the situation. Blackmailers, specifically sextortionists make their victims think they are powerless and that they have no way out or no one to go to for help. This is not true. There are lots of resources available to victims so they don’t have to deal with this alone. Sextortion can cause serious emotional trauma and most victims don’t know how to deal with the stress. Here are some resources you can reach out to for support.

How to Report the Incident on WhatsApp?

Reporting a contact on WhatsApp is very simple.

  1. Open the chat with the user you wish to report
  2. Tap the contact name, then tap report contact
  3. Tap report

To report a view once photo or video

  1. Open the view once photo or video
  2. Tap more “…” in the bottom corner
  3. Tap report contact

What to Do If Someone Blackmails You on WhatsApp

Blackmail is a serious crime that can have long-term consequences for both the victim and the perpetrator. If you are ever faced with this situation, remember to stay calm and collected. The most important thing is to not give in to the blackmailer’s demands. Report the incident to law enforcement as soon as possible, and search for support from friends, family, or a professional organization. With quick action and plenty of support, you can get through this difficult time. Have you ever been blackmailed? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below.

After all you know What to Do If Someone Blackmails You on WhatsApp. If you need expert help, contact our sextortion helpline

Report whatsapp blackmail today and stay safe