Do Instagram Blackmailers Follow Through

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

You might not have heard it before, but ‘Instagram blackmail’ is an emerging form of extortion on the platform. Unfortunately, while the internet offers us many great benefits and opportunities—it can also bring more than its share of danger as well. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at if Instagram blackmailers follow through and discuss what steps you should take in order to protect yourself from such an incident.

Do Blackmailers Give Up If You Ignore Them?

It can be terrifying to discover that you have been targeted by a blackmailer, and one of the most common questions people have been whether or not blackmailers will eventually give up if they’re ignored. The truth is, it depends on the individual blackmailer and the circumstances. Generally speaking, there’s no guarantee that ignoring a blackmailer will result in them ceasing their attempt at exploitation; in fact, it can make matters worse as ignoring someone typically provokes them, causing them to become more aggressive in their attempts to get what they want. Because they do this on such a large scale, they usually have multiple accounts and may seek out alternative ways to further pursue their objectives if ignored also. Ultimately, it’s best to take any threats seriously and consult an attorney or an experienced law enforcement professional for advice on how to handle a blackmail situation effectively and safely.

Do They Actually Carry Out Their Threats?

In many cases, yes, blackmailers do carry out the threats they make. This can be a difficult situation to navigate, as it may seem like there are no good options when facing a person with serious intentions to harm. We recommend you follow these steps to protect your Instagram account from blackmail.


  • Keep your account as secure as possible. Limit your friends and followers to people you actually know and trust.
  • Use strong passwords and enable two factor verification.
  • Do not send personal and private information out through social media applications.
  • Last but not least, don’t click on links from unknown accounts if you can set your account to block them by following the settings here.

When faced with an imminent threat, it is crucial to take action to protect yourself.

Does Instagram Stop Blackmail?

While Instagram has been known to take steps in attempting to prevent any type of blackmail on its platform, it is unfortunately a difficult and ongoing battle. Additionally, Instagram cannot be held responsible for the actions of its users, making it hard to protect certain users from being taken advantage of. However, the social media giant does offer some advice and resources to help fight back against potential blackmailers, such as reporting suspicious activity or messages directly to their team.

How to Stop Blackmail on Instagram?

Cyber Investigation is committed to stopping the scourge of blackmail on Instagram. To do so, we have created a series of initiatives focused on raising awareness among users about the dangers of sharing sensitive or confidential information online. We also work directly with platforms such as Instagram to ensure that victims of blackmail are properly supported and protected from any future harassment. And for those facing imminent threats, our investigators are highly trained in going after these cyber terrorizers. Together, our team hopes to put an end to this destructive form of cybercrime by providing guidance, strength, and hope for all people affected. Reach out to us today if you are facing Instagram blackmail.

How to report sextortion on instagram


It is important to understand the nature behind Instagram blackmailers and how to deal with them should you ever find yourself in this situation. Ignoring an Instagram blackmailer can sometimes be a valid solution, but it is not always the best choice. When these people issue threats, they can often see them out and cause damage; this is why it’s important not to take such threats lightly. To know whether or not certain measures are working against potential threats, we must think carefully about our cyber security and ask ourselves: do Instagram blackmailers follow through?

Reach out to Cyber Investigation today if you are facing blackmail on Instagram. Do not face these criminals alone get our professionals involved right away.