What to Do If Someone Blackmails You On Instagram

Last Updated on November 22, 2023

Social media platforms are great tools for connecting with people, sharing stories, and keeping in touch with friends and family. However, there are risks involved, too, as there are people who use social media platforms to blackmail others. Instagram is one such platform where people can be blackmailed easily. It is necessary to have a clear understanding of what to do in such a situation to protect oneself. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps you can take if someone blackmails you on Instagram. These steps will help you to stay informed safe, and avoid being manipulated or exploited.

What do I do if someone blackmails me on Instagram?

Don’t Panic:

The first and most crucial step when someone blackmails you on Instagram is to stay calm and not panic. Avoid responding to the blackmailer’s messages in haste or under pressure. Do not let them manipulate you into taking an action that could potentially harm you, your reputation, or your safety. Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you are in control.

Gather Information:

Once you have calmed down, it’s time to gather information. Keep screenshots of the messages that the blackmailer sent you. It will help you to have evidence if things get out of hand or the police get involved. Make sure to save the data to an external hard drive or cloud-based service.

Implement strong privacy settings:

Instagram blackmailers are known to have backup accounts to exploit other victims. They also use those accounts to continue the harassment in case they were to be blocked by their victims. To ensure that you don’t allow your blackmailer more access to you, we recommend changing your settings to private and avoiding accepting any new friend requests.

Keep in Contact:

The next step is to keep in constant contact with the blackmailer. We know this might sound hard to do, and you would instead block the account and ignore it all. However, doing this has more negative consequences than good. If you rather keep in communication with them, it will give you time to seek help and avoid exposure. Contact the police or a trusted authority.

Report the Account:

Reporting the blackmailer’s account is a must in situations like these. To do this, go to their profile page, tap on the three dots in the top right corner, and select the “report” option. The Instagram team will review the report and take suitable action. Furthermore, reports on Instagram are anonymous, so the blackmailer will not know who made the report.

Seek Professional Help:

If you feel that the situation has gone out of hand or involves illegal activities, seek professional help. Speaking to a counselor, a lawyer, or the police can help you understand the legal considerations and your options. They can also help you cope with the stress and anxiety associated with the situation.

Do blackmailers give up if you ignore them?

Many victims are advised to ignore blackmailers in an attempt to discourage their behavior. However, the reality is more complex, and the efficacy of this tactic varies depending on the circumstances. While ignoring a blackmailer may work in some cases, it can also backfire and further complicate the situation.

Cases Where Ignoring May Help:

1. Lack of Response: In certain situations, particularly when the blackmailer seeks attention or a reaction, ignoring their demands may diminish their satisfaction and discourage future attempts.

2. Lack of Personal Information: If the blackmailer possesses no real leverage, such as limited or outdated information, ignoring their threats could render them powerless and ultimately force them to abandon their efforts.

Cases Where Ignoring May Complicate the Situation:

1. Escalation of Threats:

Some blackmailers may interpret silence as a challenge and escalate their demands or threats to pressure the victim into compliance.

2. Wider Exposure:

Ignoring a blackmailer doesn’t guarantee that they will vanish. In some cases, they may carry out their threats, exposing the victim’s secrets or material to a broader audience.

How do you report an Instagram account for blackmailing?

If you or someone you know is facing blackmail or extortion on Instagram, it is crucial to take immediate action to ensure your safety and seek justice. Here are the steps to report an Instagram account for blackmailing:

1. Document the evidence: Gather all relevant information, including screenshots, direct messages, or any other communication that demonstrates the blackmail or extortion attempts. Take care not to engage with the blackmailer further to avoid escalating the situation.

2. Report to Instagram: Open the Instagram app and go to the profile of the account involved in the blackmail. Tap the three dots (…) in the top-right corner of the screen and select “Report.” Follow the prompts to specify the issue as “Harassment or bullying” and provide a thorough description of the situation. Attach the evidence you collected to support your report.

3. Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline: If the blackmail involves domestic violence or you feel unsafe, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline immediately. They can offer guidance, support, and resources to help you navigate through this challenging situation. Their hotline number is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

4. Report to law enforcement: Extortion and blackmail are serious crimes, and it is essential to involve law enforcement. Contact your local police department and provide them with all the

evidence you have gathered. They will guide you on the next steps and investigate the matter further.

Can I call the police for Instagram blackmail?

If a person is being blackmailed on Instagram, they can reach out to the police to report the incident. While there may not be specific laws targeting online blackmail, traditional laws against extortion and harassment can still apply in such cases. Victims need to gather evidence, such as screenshots or messages related to the blackmail, and provide this to the police when making a report.

In addition to contacting the police, Instagram has mechanisms in place to report and block malicious users. Victims can report the blackmailer’s account to Instagram using the platform’s reporting tools, which can help in taking appropriate action against the offender. Instagram also offers options to block and restrict users, providing some level of control over who can contact or interact with the victim.


Blackmail is a serious offense, and real-life consequences accompany it. It’s important to know what to do if someone harasses or blackmails you on Instagram. Remember that staying calm, gathering evidence, blocking the account, reporting the account, and seeking professional help are the necessary steps to take.  Do not be afraid to contact blackmail helpline, or guidance. These steps will help you stay safe, informed, and protected from manipulation or harm. Stay safe on Instagram!