Being Blackmailed On Snapchat

Last Updated on October 11, 2023

Social media is the platform where we communicate with people, share our lives, and stay up-to-date with the world. Snapchat has successfully provided one platform for the young and old to connect with friends and family while away. Still, like all social media, it is not immune to blackmailers. Many Snapchat users have fallen prey to it. This blog post will explain what to do if you have been blackmailed on Snapchat.

What is Snapchat blackmail?

Snapchat blackmail happens when online sextortionists disguise their identity behind fake Snapchat accounts and use stolen images and content from the internet to portray themselves as authentic. They use the platform to lure vulnerable victims under the impression that they want to start a friendship or romantic relationship.

Sextortion is extremely common on Snapchat for many reasons. The most popular reason is that the platform doesn’t offer profile pictures or bios. This helps blackmailers hide their identity more easily because they don’t need to build as strong of a façade. They don’t need to add multiple pictures like they do on Instagram or display a fake life on Facebook. They only need one or two stolen explicit photos they found online to lure their victim in and apply pressure to send one back.

They pressure their victims into sharing explicit content by sending one first and claiming it’s just for fun. Once a victim gives into temptation, the sextortionist will secretly record or screenshot their content from a third-party app so that their victims don’t get notified that their content has been screenshotted, a feature the app provides.

Do blackmailers give up if you ignore them?

We can’t speak for every blackmailer, but we have dealt with hundreds of cases, and these criminals are more likely to attack their victims until they give in to their demands. For starters, some blackmailers put in lots of time and effort to keep their victims as cash pigs. When it comes to romance scams, blackmailers must keep up their act daily. So, when a victim decides to escape, these criminals do not take it lightly.

The criminals lucky enough to obtain their victims’ content within the same day of initial contact are more likely to move on to their next victim if they don’t receive a response. But this doesn’t mean this happens every time. It all comes down to the type of blackmailer you are dealing with and how cruel they decide they want to be.

How do you stop being blackmailed on Snapchat?

To halt Snapchat blackmail effectively and safely, it is crucial to report the offense to the authorities and seek assistance from cybercrime experts. Sextortion is a serious crime that necessitates implementing strategies and techniques beyond the reach of victims. We understand that dealing with sextortion can

be incredibly challenging, and discussing it may seem daunting. However, seeking support from the police can assist in regaining your peace of mind and end the stress and pain.

How to report blackmail on Snapchat?

Blackmail is a criminal offense; anyone who indulges in it can be held accountable. If you have been blackmailed on Snapchat, follow these steps to report it:

Step 1:

Save the Evidence – Do not delete the messages or pictures you have received from the blackmailer. Take screenshots or record the conversations as evidence. This information will help the authorities take action against the person responsible.

Step 2:

Report to Snap-Inc – You can report the issue to Snapchat’s support team anytime. Open Snapchat and go to ‘Settings’ > ‘I Need Help’ > ‘Safety and Abuse’ > ‘Report a safety concern’ and follow the instructions. Alternatively, you can go to their website, click ‘Safety’ > ‘Report a Safety Concern’ and fill out the form.

Step 3:

Report to the Police – If the blackmail includes a threat of physical harm or demands for money, contact the police immediately. Provide them with copies of the conversations with the blackmailer and any other evidence you have.

Step 4:

Seek Legal Assistance – If you feel that the blackmail is affecting you emotionally or mentally, it may be time to seek legal advice. Speak to a cybercrime lawyer to understand your legal rights and options.

Step 5:

Protect Yourself – After reporting the incident to Snapchat and the authorities, take steps to protect yourself. Set your account to private and only add people you trust. Avoid sharing sensitive information or pictures with anyone online.


In conclusion, blackmail scams are a real threat on Snapchat, and taking steps to protect yourself is essential. Always be mindful of the people you add, avoid sharing sensitive content, report anything suspicious, keep your account secure, and be aware of blackmail tactics. Remember, prevention is better than cure; these tips will help you stay safe on Snapchat. Be smart, be safe, and enjoy this wonderful platform.