Do Snapchat Blackmailers Follow Through

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

If you have ever been a victim of online bullying or, worse yet, blackmail via Snapchat, then you know how frightening the experience can be. With around 363 million users worldwide, how can you protect yourself from these crimes on Snapchat? To that end, today’s post aims to provide some answers as unbiasedly as possible: Do Snapchat blackmailers follow through with their demands?

Do Sextortionists Follow Through if You Ignore Them?

The rise of technology has made the world much smaller, connecting individuals from all corners of the globe with just the click of a button. Unfortunately, this accessibility has also led to the alarming rise of “sextortionists,” individuals who prey on unsuspecting victims by threatening to release explicit photos or videos if they are not paid a sum of money.

The question is, does ignoring these criminals actually work? Unfortunately, the answer is not a simple yes or no. Some sextortionists may give up and move on if they do not get a response, while others might resort to more aggressive tactics. It is a sad reality that ignoring the problem will not necessarily make it go away. It is a disturbing dilemma that no one should have to face, but it is important to remember that no matter what action you choose to take, you are not alone, and help is available.

What Happens if You Ignore a Blackmailer?

Online Blackmail is a serious crime that can have devastating consequences. If you find yourself being blackmailed, it may be tempting to ignore the threat and hope it goes away. There are a few typical scenarios we can see play out when these criminals get ignored.


· Amount Increases: The blackmailer may increase their demands or resort to extreme measures to get what they want.

· Threats Adapt: The threats could become more severe; they might include pictures or info of your friends, followers, family, or even workplace.

· Photo Shop: Photoshopping your image into other images or words is another expected outcome.

· Reaching out in other ways: Blackmailers can attempt to connect with you using alternate accounts, numbers, and applications. They have a vast network of fake accounts prepared for this purpose.

· Released Content: The perpetrators could leak or distribute your private images or videos without your consent.

Depending on the severity of the information they possess could affect the scammer’s next moves. Ultimately, while it may be tempting to give in, it is crucial to remember that succumbing to a blackmailer’s demands only empowers them and perpetuates the cycle of victimization.

How to Stop Blackmail on Snapchat?

Snapchat is a fun and easy way to connect with friends and family. However, it has recently become a breeding ground for online blackmail. The idea of someone having control over your personal information and using it against you can be terrifying. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from this kind of exploitation.

1. First and foremost, try and stay calm and gather as much evidence as possible. For applications like Snapchat, it can be scary to screenshot evidence without the criminal catching on. We recommend using tools to screenshot discretely.

2. Next, report the crime and report the incident to the app’s support team immediately. You can also report the crime to local law enforcement and the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.

3. Secure your accounts. Protect yourself from future incidents. Set up two-factor authentication if you do not already have it. Create strong passwords, and enable ghost mode on Snapchat to keep your location private.

4. Lastly, reach out to family and friends and let them know what you are going through. You are not alone; someone is always ready to listen and offer support. We have got your back!


Snapchat can be a fun platform to share your life with friends and followers. However, protecting your privacy and safety while using it is necessary. By keeping an eye on your recent snaps, hiding your location, not sharing personal information, using Snap Map responsibly, and being cautious of who you accept as friends, you can reduce the risk of being blackmailed on Snapchat. Remember, staying safe and taking precautions is always better than facing the consequences later.

If you or someone you know needs immediate help dealing with blackmail on Snapchat, contact Cyber Investigation immediately. Our team is ready to take your case today with our 24/7 blackmail helpline. Do not leave yourself wondering what to do if someone is blackmailing you with photos on Snapchat; contact Cyber Investigation and speak to an agent! After all you know the answer to the question Do Snapchat Blackmailers Follow Through? It’s Time to act