How to catch a blackmailer

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

Online sextortion is a form of sexual exploitation that has made its way onto various news stations due to a staggering number of victims. It is a crime where someone uses sexual images or videos of another person to extort them for money or other favors. Unfortunately, victims of sextortion often find themselves trapped in a cycle of humiliation and fear, unable to seek help out of embarrassment or guilt. If you are a victim of sextortion, it is essential to know that you can take action to track down your blackmailer and put an end to this nightmare. This blog post will examine how to catch a blackmailer  and protect yourself from future harm.

What to do if someone blackmails you with pictures?

Dealing with sextortion can be a traumatic experience leading to feelings of shame and isolation. However, it is crucial to remember that you are not alone, that help is available, and that there is a way to stop being blackmailed. Here are some tips on what to do once someone has a hold of your private images.

1. Do Not Panic

The first and most important thing to do if someone blackmails you with pictures is to remain calm. Panic can cloud your judgment and make it difficult to think clearly. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that the situation is not your fault and that you are not alone. Contact a trusted friend or family member for support, or speak with a professional counselor.

2. Do Not Respond to the Blackmailer

It can be tempting to engage with the person who is blackmailing you in the hopes of resolving the situation quickly. However, this is the worst thing you can do. Responding to the blackmailer will give them more power and control over you. Instead, ignore their messages and report them to the proper authorities.

3. Document Everything

If someone is blackmailing you with pictures or videos, it is crucial to document everything. Save all messages, emails, and screenshots of any social media interactions. This evidence can be crucial in helping authorities identify the person responsible and prosecute them.

4. Report the Blackmailer

When you know someone is blackmailing you with pictures or videos, report them to the proper authorities. This could include your local police department, the FBI, a sextortion helpline, or a specialized task force that deals with sextortion cases. They are trained to handle these situations and can guide you through the process.

How to track a blackmailer

A victim with no experience in cybercrimes isn’t able to track down their blackmailer. They do not have the techniques or knowledge to handle vicious threats and track who’s behind them, which is okay. There are experts out there who do, and they are more than willing to help. That said, just because victims might not have the skill set to track their blackmailer down, that doesn’t mean they aren’t able to assist experts in their hunt. Here are some ways you can track your blackmailer on your own terms.

Gather Evidence:

The stronger your evidence, the more likely the authorities will be able to prosecute a blackmailer successfully. If you receive threats, make sure to save them, either by taking screenshots or recording audio or video. If the blackmailer has already posted sensitive material about you online, take screenshots of the posts and collect as much information about the posts as you can.

Use Online Tools:

There are several online tools you can use to track down a blackmailer. Geo-location tools like IP address tracking can help you identify the blackmailer’s location. Reverse image search engines can help you determine if the images or videos used by the blackmailer were taken from somewhere else online. You can also use online directories to look up phone numbers and addresses associated with the blackmailer’s name.

Look for digital footprints:

Blackmailers often use email or social media platforms to communicate with their victims. If you’ve received an email or message from your blackmailer, you can try to track them down using digital footprints. You can check the IP address of the email or message to get a rough location estimate. You can also use online tools to trace the sender’s IP address and get more detailed information about their location.


Sextortion can be a harrowing experience, but tracking down a blackmailer and protecting yourself from future harm is possible. By gathering information, using online tools, contacting law enforcement, seeking support, and protecting yourself, you can take control of the situation and prevent further exploitation. Remember that you are not alone and that resources are available to help you. By staying strong and taking action, you can overcome this experience and move forward with your life.

Now you know How to catch a blackmailer. It’s time to act. We can help you with:

Blackmail on Facebook  (Sextortion on Facebook)
Blackmail on Instagram (Sextortion on Instagram)
Blackmail on Snapchat (Sextortion on Snapchat)

and more.