How to Report Scammers on Facebook

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

With the rise of social media, so too have come the scammers. The internet is full of criminals looking for unsuspecting victims who will click on malicious links or provide personal information. As a result, it’s important to know what actions you can take if you encounter a scam on Facebook and how to report scammers on Facebook. Read on to learn more about how to protect yourself from online fraudsters.

Responding to FB Scam: What Actions Can You Take?

The first step in responding to potential scam activity on Facebook is to report the incident immediately. Even if you are not sure whether or not something is fraudulent, it is best to be on the side of caution and report it to Facebook.

This will allow their team of experts to investigate the issue further and determine whether or not there was any malicious intent associated with it. To make a report, simply select “Report” from the three dots located at the top right of the page or account you want to report. You can then follow the instructions provided by Facebook’s reporting system to submit your complaint.

Once you have reported any suspicious activity on your account, it is important that you change your password immediately. When selecting a new password, make sure that you pick one that is unique and difficult for someone else to guess.

You should also avoid using the same password across multiple accounts as this greatly increases your risk of being hacked. Additionally, be sure to enable two-factor authentication whenever possible as this provides an extra layer of protection against hackers and scammers alike.

How to Report Scammers on Facebook?

Your privacy settings are also key when it comes to preventing scammers from accessing your account information or taking over your profile altogether. To ensure that only approved users have access to your data, go into Settings > Privacy and adjust accordingly.

From here, you can control who can view posts made by you and other users as well as which applications are allowed access to certain types of data associated with your account (e.g., emails).

Additionally, be sure to review individual post settings before publishing anything on Facebook as this allows you to specify who can see each post individually rather than allowing all users access by default.

How to Protect Yourself from Facebook Scammer?

Let’s take a look at ways you can protect yourself from Facebook scammers.

Educate Yourself about Common Scams

It’s important to first become familiar with common scams on Facebook so that you know what to watch out for. Some of the most common scams involve people asking for money or offering gifts in exchange for your personal information (such as your credit card number).

A scammer may also try to impersonate someone you know to gain access to your account or personal data. It’s important to be aware of these tactics so that you don’t fall victim to them.

Be Wary of Unsolicited Messages

If someone sends you an unsolicited message on Facebook, use caution. Even if they appear to be someone you know, they could very well be a scammer attempting to gain access to your account or obtain sensitive information from you. If the message seems suspicious, reach out directly through another form of communication (such as email or text) before responding on Facebook.

Check Privacy Settings Regularly

It’s always a good idea to review your privacy settings regularly and make sure they are up-to-date. This will ensure that only people who are authorized can view your profile and posts on Facebook. You should also consider disabling third-party applications from accessing your account as this can often lead to an unwanted solicitation from scammers and other malicious actors online.

How To Report Scammers on Facebook?

Once you’ve identified a scammer, it’s important that you report them so they can no longer target other users. The best way to do this is through the reporting feature built into Facebook’s mobile app and website.

Reporting someone on Facebook is simple: Just go into their profile page and click on the three dots at the top right of the page and select “Report”; then follow the instructions given by Facebook’s reporting system. You can also use the “block” feature on an individual user if you want them completely removed from your view and unable to contact you ever again.

When it comes to certain scams, just as online blackmail or internet sextortion, it’s very difficult to handle the situation on your own. If you are consistently being attacked, harassed, and threatened online, you need to report the crime to the authorities. You should also contact cybercrime experts.

We here at Digital Investigation are able and willing to take on your case. We have a 90% success rate in locating these scammers as well as putting their threats to rest. Give us a call today for immediate help!


No matter how careful you are online, there is always a risk that you may become a victim of a scammer on Facebook. That said, following tips on how to protect yourself from scams and how to report scammers on Facebook and other social platforms, can help reduce that risk significantly. And remember; keep strong privacy settings on your socials, and do not be afraid to report and block anyone who makes you uncomfortable.

If you’re experiencing blackmail or are in need of assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our blackmail helpline for immediate help. Reach out to us today and we’ll provide you with the support you need.