How to Report Sextortion in California

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

As a victim of sextortion, you may feel powerless and unsure of what to do next. In California, there is help available to victims who are willing to take the steps necessary for justice. This blog post provides an in-depth guide on how to report sextortion in California — from understanding what it is and getting support services to gathering evidence and making a report.

What is Sextortion in California?

Recently, California has seen a rise in cases of sextortion. Sextortion is an internet crime where someone uses images or video to threaten, extort, or exploit someone. It may involve blackmail, revenge porn, and sexual exploitation. Victims of this crime find their reputations destroyed and experience psychological distress. In California, it is punishable as a felony and can carry prison terms of up to eight years. If you are being threatened with sextortion in California, contact the authorities immediately or get help from legal services as soon as possible to protect yourself.

California Laws on Sextortion

California takes sextortion seriously and has penalized those found guilty to the fullest extent of the law. The law that protects victims of sextortion falls under California Penal Code Section 518 PC. This outlines that extortion occurs when someone is threatened with physical harm, confinement, or kidnapping by another person to make them do something against their will. This applies to sextortion cases, where someone is coerced into providing sexual images or videos due to threats or embarrassment. California laws are clear: sextortion is a crime and victims should pursue legal action so appropriate justice can be served.

Step-by-Step Guide for Reporting Sextortion in CA

If you’ve been targeted by sextortion in California, it’s important to take action right away. Reporting the crime can help protect others from becoming victims of the same person or people. Follow the steps below to report sextortion.

· First, try and obtain any evidence of the crime that can be used as proof when reporting. Try and provide as many details as possible, including who is involved and any evidence that might be relevant. It can be tempting to delete everything but it’s important to keep a record of the crime.

· Make sure you do not pay the criminal or comply with any of their demands. Giving in to your perpetrator can oftentimes make them more aggressive and could make you an accessory.

· Next, contact law enforcement. Reach out to your local law enforcement agency and let them know you are filing a report.

· Lastly, connect with advocacy organizations in your area that assist victims of sextortion.

Taking these steps will help ensure justice is achieved and prevent others from falling victim to sextortion in the area.

What Happens After You Report Sextortion in California

Reporting sextortion in California can be a slow but very important process. As soon as you share the information with relevant authorities, they will launch an investigation and work to put the perpetrators who have targeted you behind bars. However, it is important to be patient and understand that investigations take time.

If you need help right away you can report sextortion in California, to Cyber Investigation. With our trained investigators ready at any moment to take your case, you do not have to go through this alone. Cyber Investigators can also assist in investigating any malicious software or malware operating on your devices, and will also look into any computer logs or records acquired by the culprit that could provide further insight into their identity. Cyber Investigation allows victims of sextortion to take back control and seek justice.


Together, we can protect victims from situations of sextortion by knowing how to identify and report it, so that individuals aren’t left feeling helpless. It’s imperative everyone who resides in California knows their rights and where they can go for help should they ever find themselves in a situation of sextortion. Now that you know taking steps towards reporting “sextortion California” is achievable, the ball is on your side of the court. Be sure to take all necessary measures to protect yourself – because peace of mind should never be taken for granted!