How to Stop Someone from Blackmailing You

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

Being blackmailed is a nightmare. It’s a feeling of complete powerlessness, of being trapped and alone. Unfortunately, it’s also a very real threat in today’s world. In this article we’ll tell you How to Stop Someone from Blackmailing You.

With the proliferation of social media and dating apps, more and more people are finding themselves the victims of sextortion. Sextortion is when someone uses sexually explicit images or videos to blackmail their victim. If you find yourself in this situation, there are steps you can take to free yourself from your blackmailer’s control.

How Do You Deal with Someone Blackmailing You?

There is no shame in being a victim of sextortion. You have done nothing wrong; the only person who should feel ashamed here is the perpetrator. Unfortunately, because of the stigma surrounding pornography and sexual activity, many victims do not report these crimes for fear of judgement or retribution. This only allows the cycle of abuse to continue. That is why reporting sextortion and blackmail is so important.

Online Sextortion and blackmail can have a big mental toll on victims. We recommend reaching out to support groups for victims of online blackmail and other cybercrimes. Here are some resources you can look into to find support.

  • Cyber Civil Rights Initiative
  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
  • Victims for Justice

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What can the police do about blackmail?

How to Stop Someone from Blackmailing You? Will the police or FBI help you?

It’s hard to investigate online blackmail or online sextortion. It may not be easy to get the police or FBI help with this types of crimes. The best option is to find someone who specialize in that crimes.

What to do if You Are Being Sextorted?

  1. First and foremost, do not panic. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that help is available. There are organizations that can assist you in taking action against your blackmailer such as Cyber Investigation.
  2. Do not comply with your blackmailer’s demands in any way. This will only embolden them and make them feel like they have the upper hand.
  3. Gather evidence. This may include saving emails, chat logs or text messages from your blackmailer. This will be helpful if you decide to take legal action against them.
  4. Make sure to provide strong privacy and safety settings on all of your online accounts. Limit the amount of information you share about yourself online.
  5. Talk to someone you trust. It is important to have a support system during this difficult time. Talking to a friend or family member can help you gain some perspective on the situation and develop a plan of action.
  6. Contact law enforcement. In some cases, it may be necessary to involve the police to stop your blackmailer’s demands.
  7. Seek professional help. If you find yourself struggling to cope with the emotional fallout of being blackmailed, consider seeking out professional counseling or therapy.


Remember, if you are being blackmailed, you are not alone and there is help available. Stay calm, do not comply with your blackmailer, and reach out for support from friends, family, or professionals if needed. With determination and effort, you can free yourself from this nightmare scenario and take back control of your life. Report Online Blackmail to our sextortion helpline

Now you know How to Stop Someone from Blackmailing You. If you need expert help, we can help you to stop:

Facebook sextortion or Blackmail On Facebook

Sextortion on Instagram or Instagram Blackmail

Snapchat Blackmail or Snapchat Sextortion