Is Blackmail Illegal in South Carolina

Last Updated on October 24, 2023

Victim of blackmail in South Carolina? Feeling alone and vulnerable? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the details and implications of South Carolina’s state law on blackmail. From when it qualifies as a criminal activity to potential punishments, we aim to help victims take informed steps toward justice. Find out if blackmail is truly illegal in South Carolina.

Is blackmail illegal in South Carolina?

Blackmail is deemed illegal in South Carolina as it falls under the category of criminal offense. It refers to the act of coercing someone into performing unwanted actions by threatening to expose compromising information about them. These actions may include demanding money, property, or other favors.

In South Carolina, blackmail is considered extortion and is punishable by severe penalties upon conviction. If faced with any uncertainties regarding whether an action could be classified as blackmail in South Carolina, it is advisable to seek legal counsel, as being found guilty can result in serious legal consequences.

Blackmail Laws in South Carolina

Blackmail is strictly prohibited in South Carolina under Section 16-17-470 of the state’s criminal code. This offense is classified as a felony and can lead to a prison sentence of up to five years upon conviction. In addition to imprisonment, individuals found guilty of blackmail may also be held responsible for paying monetary damages to the victim involved.

However, with the rise of sextortion, a crime that falls under blackmail and extortion, the South Carolina House approved a bill this year that would increase penalties for criminals of sextortion. The penalties result in a felony charge and sentencing of up to 30 years in prison if the victim is a child or vulnerable adult. A violator would get up to 15 years if the victim were an adult.

It is essential to understand that blackmail does not necessarily involve the exchange of money. The mere act of threatening to disclose certain information or take action can constitute blackmail. To avoid serious legal consequences, it is advisable to seek advice from legal counsel if you find yourself in a situation where you may be held liable for this crime.

What to do if you are a victim of a South Carolina blackmail?

If you become a victim of online blackmail in South Carolina, it is crucial to remain calm and take immediate action. First and foremost, contact law enforcement officials to initiate an investigation. Ensure that you document the incident accurately, along with any related events and evidence like emails or text messages. Compile this information as a detailed report for law enforcement.

Being aware of your situation and taking appropriate measures is vital for your safety during this challenging time. Additionally, it is essential to remember that you are not the criminal in this situation; they are. Blackmailers prey on your instincts to manipulate you, so it is advisable to seek support from friends or family.


Blackmail is considered a serious crime in South Carolina, carrying significant legal consequences. If you find yourself being blackmailed, it is crucial to take immediate action in order to safeguard yourself and your loved ones.

Seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney who can guide you through the legal process and advocate for your rights. If you have fallen victim to extortion, where threats or intimidation are used to coerce you, it is imperative to seek help promptly to ensure that your rights are protected and justice is served.

If you are a victim of blackmail, reach out to Cyber Investigation today for specialized assistance in combating cybercriminals. Should you have any concerns regarding potential blackmail situations, feel free to contact us for a complimentary consultation. We are here to provide assistance and support and help stop blackmail.