What to do if someone is blackmailing you with nudes

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

In today’s world, it’s common for people to engage in intimate behavior over online platforms. However, sometimes these actions can lead to sextortion, coercing someone into providing sexual content or performing sexual acts by threatening to release their explicit material to the public. It’s a humiliating and traumatic experience, but there are ways to combat it. In this article we’ll talk about What To Do If Someone Is Blackmailing You With Nudes?

What to Do If Someone is Blackmailing You with Nude Photos

1. Stay Calm

The first thing you should do if someone is blackmailing you with nudes is to keep calm. It is easy to panic when someone threatens you by sharing intimate photos of yourself. However, panicking and overreacting can lead to rash decisions that worsen the situation. Take a deep breath, and try to detach yourself from the situation. Remember that you have options and the power to control the situation.

2. Don’t Respond

Refraining from responding to the blackmailer’s messages or demands is crucial. Whenever you respond or engage with the blackmailer, you give them more control over the situation. Block the person’s number or email address immediately, and avoid social media interactions. You reduce the blackmailer’s ability to contact and threaten you by cutting off communication.

3. Gather Evidence

If you are a victim of sextortion, the next thing you should do is gather evidence. Take screenshots of each message or email that the blackmailer has sent you. This way, you can provide law enforcement with proof if the situation escalates. Additionally, if you meet the blackmailer on a dating app or social media platform, report them immediately to the platform to prevent them from targeting other individuals.

4. Contact the Police

Online Sextortion is a serious crime; reporting it to law enforcement is essential. Contact the police and present the evidence you have gathered. Most police departments have specialized divisions that handle these types of cases. The police can investigate the situation, apprehend the blackmailer, and hopefully prevent them from doing this to someone else.

5. Seek Support

Being a victim of sextortion can be traumatic, and it is essential to seek support. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what happened. You can also seek professional counseling to process the

situation and move forward. Remember that you are not alone; there are people who care about you and want to help you.

How to stop blackmailers

If you’ve fallen victim to blackmail, know that there’s a solution out there. It can be overwhelming and traumatic to handle it solo, but leaning on professionals can make all the difference. These experts are specifically trained to locate and terminate cybercriminal activity, giving you peace of mind and ending the harassment. Don’t suffer in silence any longer; take action and ask for help from the pros!


Sextortion is a terrifying experience, but knowing you have options is essential. Follow these steps, stay calm, and take control of the situation. Please don’t respond to the blackmailer’s messages and block their communication channels. Gather evidence, report the situation to law enforcement, and seek support from your loved ones. Remember that you have every right to keep your nudes private; don’t let anyone take that away.

Contact our sextortion helpline. We can help you to stop:

Sextortion On Instagram (blackmail on Instagram)
Sextortion On Facebook (blackmail on Facebook)
Sextortion On Snapchat (blackmail on Snapchat)