what to do if someone is blackmailing you with photos on instagram

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

Social media has a vast reach, and with it comes several threats. One of the prevalent risks is blackmailing with photos. Blackmailing with photos is a type of cybercrime that can happen to anyone using social media, especially on popular platforms like Instagram. If you find yourself in a situation where someone is blackmailing you, it can be challenging to know what to do. In this blog post, we will discuss what to do if someone is blackmailing you with photos on Instagram.

What to do if Someone is Blackmailing you with Photos on InstagramWhat to do if someone blackmails you with pictures on Instagram?

Step 1: Remain Calm

The first step to take when someone is blackmailing you with photos is not to panic. Take a deep breath and remain calm because reacting hastily could put you at risk. The blackmailer’s goal is to make you feel powerless, vulnerable, and alone, but it’s essential to remember that you have the power to take action and protect yourself.

Step 2: Report the Blackmailer to Instagram

The second step is to report the blackmailer to Instagram. The platform has community guidelines and terms of service that prohibit the dissemination of non-consensual intimate images. You can also use Instagram’s reporting tool to report the account threatening to blackmail you.

Instagram has a team of trained reviewers who review reports 24/7. Once you’ve reported the account, Instagram will investigate the matter, and if the account violates the platform’s policies, it will most likely be taken down.

Step 3: Gather Evidence and Document the Blackmail

The third step is to gather evidence and document the blackmail. You can take screenshots of any messages, emails, or social media posts that may be used as evidence when reporting the perpetrator. Documenting everything, including any communication’s date, time, and content, is essential. Make sure you keep copies of all the evidence in a safe place and keep them private from anyone who is not a qualified professional.

Step 4: Seek Support and Counseling

It’s essential to seek support and counseling during this difficult time to help you cope with the trauma and emotional distress of being blackmailed. It’s challenging to open up to someone about such an experience, but finding someone you can trust and talk to is crucial.

Seeking help from a professional counselor or therapist can provide a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. Remember that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength.

Step 5: Take Legal Action

If the blackmailer continues to harass you after you have reported them, you may need to consider taking legal action. Depending on the circumstances, you can contact law enforcement agencies to file a report or a lawyer to discuss the available legal options. Understanding your legal rights and options is crucial to help you make informed decisions that protect you and your loved ones.

How do you handle blackmail on Instagram?

We get it; blackmail is a terrifying experience, especially concerning sensitive content such as photos. However, victims have a lower chance of helping themselves stop being blackmailed online. The smartest way of handling blackmail on Instagram is to confide in the expertise of cyber investigators and authorities. After taking steps to protect yourself online and gathering as much evidence as possible, it’s best to hand the burden over to specialists and let them help.

You can make a report to your local police, although with the rapid advancement of technology, cybercrimes have become a growing concern for many individuals and corporations. Unfortunately, the police might not always be equipped to handle these crimes. However, it’s essential to make a report even if you don’t feel like the police will be able to help you out as immensely as you may like.

This is because reporting a cybercrime helps document it and can aid in building a case against the perpetrator if they commit similar crimes. Additionally, if the police work with technology experts or other agencies, they may be able to assist you. Regardless of how practical their help may be, reporting the cyber crime is crucial to help prevent it from happening to others and to hold the perpetrator accountable.


Blackmail is a form of extortion, and it’s important to remember that you have legal rights. The steps outlined can help you address the situation effectively and protect yourself from further harm. Always remember you are not alone in this challenging time; help is available. Take the necessary steps to protect yourself, seek professional support, and report the blackmailer. You have the power to take control of your life back.

Now you know what to do if someone is blackmailing you with photos on instagram