What to Do If you are being blackmailed on Instagram

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

Blackmail has been around for centuries, and with the advent of social media, the scenario has taken a new turn. Instagram has become the latest platform for extortionists to blackmail people for personal gain. So, we understand why you might be panicking if someone is blackmailing you on Instagram. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Keep on reading to know more about What to Do If you are being blackmailed on Instagram

Do Instagram Sextortionists Follow Through?

Sextortion is a heinous crime committed by cyber-criminals who exploit their victims by threatening to post their sexually explicit pictures or videos online unless they pay up. While such incidents have increased exponentially recently, a nagging question that often plagues potential victims is: do Instagram sextortionists follow through with their threats?

The answer may not be straightforward. Many reports suggest that most sextortionists do follow through with their threats, but there are a select few victims that seem to walk away unscathed. The outcome can depend on three key things:

· Payment: Victims who paid ransom usually had their assailant return for more. Causing the cycle to feel never-ending and the probability of it ending diminishing.

· Blocking: Blocking the sextortionist can also impact the outcome. In some cases, victims who block or ignore their threats have eliminated the problem altogether. In others, though, this caused an immediate escalation in the situation, making the criminals raise their demands and forcing them to reach out now accounts.

· Not Reporting: Lastly, victims not reporting the crime usually end up with an unfavorable outcome. This allows the criminal to not only harass you but to continue to find new victims and once again avoid being apprehended.

While the probability of successful threat execution varies, victims should take immediate steps to report the incident and get help.

What to do if Someone Blackmails You with Pictures on Instagram?

1. Don’t Panic:

The first thing to do when you are blackmailed is not to panic. Even though it is a terrifying experience, you need to keep calm and think through what you are going to do next. Do not let the blackmailers control you, and do not let them pressure you into doing anything that you do not want to do.

2. Record everything:

Ensure you record all the conversations you are having with the person blackmailing you. If the other person is threatening you through Instagram, take screenshots of the conversation, and if possible, record the phone calls or video chats as well. Ensure that you document everything comprehensively since you will need it later as evidence.

3. Contact the authorities:

Getting legal help is critical; you should contact the relevant authorities immediately. The authorities could be the police if you believe you are in danger or a lawyer to discuss your legal options. You can even report blackmail to a third-party company like Cyber Investigations, with trained agents available to take your call.

4. Report the account:

Instagram has a feature that allows you to report accounts and posts that you believe violate the community guidelines. Go to the person’s profile blackmailing you, click report, and explain why they are blackmailing you. Instagram will review the account, and if they find any violation, they will take appropriate action, including closing the account.

5. Consider Legal Action:

If the blackmail was motivated by extortion, blackmail, or revenge porn, you could take legal action against the perpetrator. You can file a lawsuit or press criminal charges against them if possible. Contact a lawyer to talk through all your options for taking legal action.


Being blackmailed on Instagram is a frightening experience, but you can overcome it by taking swift and decisive action. Do not let anyone control you, and do not feel ashamed. Contact the relevant authorities, document everything, and consider taking legal action against the blackmailer. Remember that you are not alone; if you take the proper steps, you can overcome this, and justice will prevail.

If you or someone you know needs help reporting extortion on Instagram, contact our team at Cyber Investigation today. With our 24/7 sextortion helpline, we can take your case right away. Do not deal with blackmail on Instagram alone; talk to an agent today! Now you know What to Do If you are being blackmailed on Instagram, it’s time to act.