What to do if you get blackmailed on Snapchat

Last Updated on December 6, 2023

Hey there, friend. It’s a tough spot you’ve found yourself in, and I want you to know that it’s okay to feel scared or upset. But remember, you’re not alone. Today, we’re going to walk through some practical steps you can take if you ever find yourself being blackmailed on Snapchat.

What if someone blackmails you on Snapchat?

Step 1: Don’t Give In

First things first, if you receive a threatening or blackmail message, do not give in to their demands. The person on the other end is looking for a reaction, and by not giving them one, you’re taking away their power. Take screenshots of the messages as evidence, but fall into the blackmailer’s trap.

Step 2: Secure Your Account

Next, make sure your account is secure. Change your password immediately. Consider setting up two-factor authentication for added security. This will mean that even if someone knows your password, they won’t be able to access your account without secondary verification.

Step 3: Report Online Sextortion to Snapchat

Snapchat takes these matters seriously. Within the app, you can report the incident by going to ‘Settings’ > ‘I Need Help’ > ‘Safety’ > ‘Report a Safety Concern.’ Provide as much information as possible, including the user’s name and any screenshots you’ve taken.

Step 4: Contact Local Authorities

Blackmail is a crime, and it’s essential to report it to your local law enforcement agency. They can help guide you through the process and potentially trace the blackmailer. Remember to provide them with all the evidence you’ve gathered.

Step 5: Reach Out for Support

This experience can be emotionally taxing. Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional. There are also online support groups where you can connect with people who’ve been through similar situations. You’re not alone, and some people want to help.

Should I ignore sextortion on Snapchat?

Sextortion threats on Snapchat are a serious issue that should never be ignored. Firstly, they can lead to significant emotional distress and anxiety.

The cybercriminals behind these threats often aim to manipulate their victims through fear, coercion, and the threat of public humiliation. Secondly, ignoring such threats can potentially escalate the situation, as offenders may feel empowered to continue their harmful actions.

Thirdly, sextortion is illegal in many jurisdictions, and reporting these incidents can help law enforcement track down and prosecute the individuals responsible. Lastly, by reporting sextortion

threats, you contribute to raising awareness of this issue and possibly preventing others from becoming victims. In an era where our digital lives are increasingly intertwined with our real ones, it’s essential to prioritize online safety and take all threats seriously.

Do blackmailers give up if you ignore them?

Blackmailers are typically motivated by the prospect of gaining power, control, or financial benefits. If you ignore them, they may interpret this as an indication that their tactics are not aggressive enough, prompting them to escalate their efforts.

Ignoring a blackmailer doesn’t dissolve their motivation; instead, it can fuel their determination to achieve their goal. They may increase the frequency and intensity of their threats, use different communication channels, or even act on their threats in an attempt to coerce you into responding. The pressure they exert can be relentless because their focus is on the potential gain they perceive at the end of their actions. Therefore, it’s crucial to report any blackmail attempts to the relevant authorities promptly rather than merely ignoring them.

How do you scare off blackmailers?

One effective way to deter blackmailers is to demonstrate that you are not afraid and will not be manipulated. This could involve openly stating that you are aware of their attempts at blackmail and will not be coerced. Make it clear that you are prepared to involve law enforcement, and if necessary, go public with the information they are using against you. While doing this, ensure that you document all interactions and keep all evidence of the blackmail. This evidence can be used to support your case if you need to involve the police.

Additionally, strengthening your cybersecurity measures can help prevent future blackmail attempts, as it makes it more challenging for blackmailers to access sensitive information. Remember, the most important thing is to not give in to their demands, as this only encourages further blackmail attempts.


In conclusion, if you want to stop online blackmail, it’s crucial not to panic or give in to their demands. Instead, document all the interactions and retain all evidence of the blackmail attempts. Make sure to report the incident to Snapchat directly through their reporting feature and also involve local law enforcement agencies.

It’s important to remember that you’re the victim in this situation, and there are resources available to support and guide you. Strengthening your cybersecurity measures can also be a proactive step toward preventing future threats. Lastly, consider reaching out to friends, family, blackmail helplines, or professional counselors for emotional support during this challenging time. Your safety and well-being should always be the top priority.