What to if i'm being blackmailed on Instagram

Last Updated on November 22, 2023

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over one billion monthly active users. It’s a place where people connect, share their lives, and explore new ideas. Unfortunately, like any other platform, Instagram is not immune to cyber attacks, and blackmail is one of them. If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re in a difficult situation and need help. In this blog post, we’ll explain what to do if you’re being blackmailed on Instagram.

Do blackmailers give up if you ignore them?

First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that every situation is different, and there is no cookie-cutter answer to this question. Whether a blackmailer gives up if you ignore them will depend on various factors, such as the severity of the online blackmail, the personality of the blackmailer, and the motive behind it. Some blackmailers may give up if you don’t respond, while others may become angrier and more aggressive. Additionally, ignoring a blackmailer may not always be the best course of action since it may make things worse in some situations.

That being said, it is a good idea to resist the blackmailer’s demands and not give in to their threats. Blackmailers often prey on vulnerability, and they may try to exploit your fears and anxieties to get what they want. However, giving in to their demands will only encourage them and make them feel more powerful. It is essential to maintain control of the situation and not let the blackmailer dictate your actions.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should never engage in any illegal or immoral activities to satisfy a blackmailer’s demands. While it may seem like a quick fix to make the problem go away, it will only create more problems and put you in a more precarious position. Remember that blackmail is a criminal offense, and you have the right to report it to the authorities and get help.

In some cases, ignoring the blackmailer may work, but it is crucial to do it cautiously. For example, if the blackmailer is trying to extort money from you, stopping all communication and not responding to their demands may make them lose interest. However, if the blackmail involves sensitive or embarrassing information, ignoring the blackmailer may not be the best course of action since they may release the information anyway, which could have disastrous consequences.

Therefore, the best approach when dealing with blackmailers is to seek professional help and report the matter to the authorities. Law enforcement agencies have specialized units that deal with cybercrime and blackmail, and they can provide you with the guidance and support you need. Additionally, seeking counseling or therapy may also be helpful if the blackmail has caused you emotional distress.

Can I call the police for Instagram blackmail?

If the blackmailer refuses to stop or the situation gets worse, you should consider contacting the police. Blackmail is a crime, and the police can help you file a report. They will investigate the user and take further legal action if necessary.

How to stop Blackmail on Instagram?

To safeguard yourself from blackmail on Instagram, there are several steps you can take:

– Be cautious of who you share your personal information with on Instagram.

– Avoid accepting messages or friend requests from people you don’t know or who don’t have any mutual connections.

– Make sure your Instagram account is set to private and your posts can only be seen by people you trust.

– Never share your login credentials with anyone, and use a solid and unique password for your Instagram account.

– Keep a record of any threatening messages you receive and report them to Instagram’s support team immediately.

– Do not engage with the blackmailer, and do not pay the ransom under any circumstances. Doing so will only encourage them to continue to blackmail you.

If you have been a victim of blackmail on Instagram, it is essential to take immediate action to protect yourself and prevent the blackmailer from further exploiting you. Here are some steps you can take:

– Report the threatening messages or accounts to Instagram’s support team and provide them with any evidence you have.

– Consider contacting the police or a lawyer who specializes in cybercrime to pursue legal action against the blackmailer.

– Seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional, as blackmail can be a traumatic experience that can take a toll on your mental health and well-being.


In conclusion, being blackmailed on Instagram is a complex and distressing experience. However, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and there’s support out there to help you. Don’t panic; block the blackmailer, save evidence, report the incident to Instagram, and seek help if needed. Remember that it’s never your fault, and by taking these steps, you can regain control of the situation and move forward. Contact our sextortion helpline

Know you know the answer to the question “What to if i’m being blackmailed on Instagram”. It’s time to act.