Instagram Cyber Crime

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

We all love using Instagram to stay informed, share stories and interact with friends and family, but did you know that cybercrime is a growing threat to user safety? It is true – as we become more connected on social media platforms, criminals leverage our data for financial gain. Read on to learn more about Instagram cyber crime tactics so you can take steps toward safeguarding yourself online.

instagram cyber crime

Types of Instagram Cyber Crime

As one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, Instagram attracts millions of users each day – making it a prime target for cybercriminals. Below we have listed the different types of crimes that take place on Instagram.


Cybercriminals use various tactics to trick users into revealing their Instagram login details. They may pose as Instagram authorities or send fake messages to users’ accounts. Once the user gives them their login credentials, they can access and use the account for malicious activities.


Catfishing is a type of online persona creation where people pretend to be someone else to obtain personal information from other social media users. The offender often uses pictures and videos of someone else they found online to lure their victim. This can happen in several ways, including leading their victim into a romantic relationship or simply using their victim’s information for nefarious purposes.


Internet sextortion is one of Instagram’s most alarming forms of cybercrime. Offenders use fake or heavily edited photos to manipulate victims into sending explicit images of themselves. After the offender has gained access to this explicit content, they blackmail the victim through threats such as exposing them to others.

Fake sponsored posts

Fake sponsored posts are the most recent type of Instagram cybercrime. In these scams, cybercriminals post fake ads or advertisements, tricking users into paying a fee for access or information. Once the payment is made, the user discovers the offers are not legit, and their money is gone.

How to Protect Yourself?

With the rise in accessibility of technology worldwide, Instagram has been no exception to crime, making it an easy target for criminals. However, you can take steps to protect yourself from these threats.

  • The first step in protecting yourself from Instagram cybercrime is securing your account. Create a strong password and consider using two-factor authentication to add an extra layer.
  • Next, regularly check your account settings, and ensure you have disabled all login credentials such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google if you have used any before.
  • Also, be cautious of links shared on Instagram Direct Messages, and look for links with typos or unusual domain names.
  • Additionally, avoid sharing personal details like your birthday or home address, particularly on your Instagram profile. You should also avoid clicking on random DMs from strangers asking for personal information.
  • Lastly, always report any suspicious activities on the platform to help make Instagram safe for all users.

Let’s all work together to protect ourselves from these cyber threats! It does not have to be a battle we fight alone.

How to Report Instagram Cyber Crime?

Whether it is harassment, impersonation, or even theft, knowing how to report these crimes to protect yourself and others properly is essential. Start by gathering evidence of the crime, like screenshots or messages. Next, report the crime using Instagram’s built-in reporting tools, which can be found by tapping the three dots on the post or profile in question. You can also report the crime to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.  Finally, if the crime is severe or ongoing, consider contacting law enforcement for further assistance. By acting and reporting cyber-crime, we can help make social media safer for everyone.


Instagram cyber crime can have a significant and long-lasting impact on the lives of their victims. As technology continues to evolve, so will the methods used by hackers and criminals to target individuals using social media platforms such as Instagram. It is critical that users take steps to protect themselves online so they can enjoy social media without fear.

It is also important not to forget to report any cybercrime incidents you witness or experience – whether it be an attack targeted at yourself or someone else. By speaking up about these experiences, we can reduce cybercrime taking place in the Instagram community and raise awareness so users can stay one step ahead of the bad guys online.