Can A Private Investigator Find Hidden Bank Accounts

Last Updated on June 15, 2023

Can A Private Investigator Find Hidden Bank Accounts?

With fraud and identity theft on the rise, many people are turning to private investigators to help them locate hidden bank accounts. Can a Private Investigator find hidden bank accounts? Let’s take a look at how a PI may be able to assist in these cases and answer any lingering questions about whether this tactic could work.

Can I Close My Bank Account If I’m Being Investigated?

If you’re being investigated, it can be a stressful and anxious time. During this period, you may be considering closing your bank account, however, it is important to note that this is not necessarily recommended for everyone as it can end up complicating the investigation.

Banks have the right to freeze or close accounts if they suspect illegal activity or non-compliance with their terms and conditions. Be prepared to provide any relevant documentation that will help prove your innocence or demonstrate that you are compliant with their policies.

If it does turn out that closing an account is necessary, it’s important not to do so without first consulting a lawyer who can advise you on how best to proceed. Your lawyer may be able to negotiate a settlement with the bank or recommend other options that could minimize any potential legal repercussions from closing the account prematurely.

Can A Private Investigator Find Hidden Bank Accounts?

Yes, a private investigator can help you find hidden bank accounts. Private financial investigators are highly skilled in the art of uncovering financial records, including bank documents and other financial information that may have been previously overlooked. However, the PI cannot obtain this information without these few things:

Private investigators are invaluable resources when it comes to locating an individual’s concealed assets or untraceable finances, as they often have access to databases and other resources not available to the public.  By researching court records, talking with witnesses, and using a variety of technological tools and investigative tactics, these professionals strive to provide accurate results from their investigations so clients can get critical answers as quickly as possible.

How Long Does It Take to Investigate a Bank Account?

The timeframe of an investigation largely depends on why the investigation is taking place and who is conducting it. Generally speaking, investigations can take anywhere from several days to several weeks or even months in some cases. For example, if there is suspicion of fraud, banks typically have to contact other banks or financial institutions involved with the transaction to gather any additional evidence needed.

This kind of process takes time and can significantly prolong the duration of the investigation. It’s important when having your bank account investigated to keep records of all communications as well as a file with all related paperwork. Additionally, try to work with your financial institution collaboratively – they are there to support you and answer any questions that arise.


Searching for hidden bank accounts can be a difficult task but with the right resources and expertise, it can be done effectively by a private investigator who knows what they are doing. By researching public records and using other investigative techniques such as tracing money transfers and following up on other clues, an experienced investigator can locate even well-hidden funds successfully. If you think someone has been hiding assets from you or you need assistance with finding out where your money has gone, consider hiring a private investigator who specializes in asset searches today!