How To Get a Restraining Order in Mississippi

Last Updated on June 26, 2023

How To Get a Restraining Order in Mississippi?

Are you a victim of harassment or abuse in Mississippi? Getting a restraining order could provide you with the protection you need. Keep reading for an overview of how to get a restraining order in Mississippi.

Types of Restraining Orders Available in Mississippi

There is a wide variety of restraining orders are available in Mississippi. Depending on your situation and the protection you are seeking, the orders are designed to protect victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, among other types of abuse. Domestic Abuse Restraining Order, Stalking Restraining Order, Sexual Assault Restraining Order, and Vulnerable Adult Protective Orders are the four types of restraining orders that are available to protect you.

  • Domestic Abuse Restraining Order, an individual is protected from abuse or threats of abuse by a family or household member.
  • A Stalking Restraining Order protects someone who is being harassed or threatened with physical harm by another person.
  • The Sexual Assault Restraining Order can protect the victim of any sexual act committed without consent.
  • Vulnerable Adult Protective Order gives protection to adults who may be taken advantage of due to mental illness or incapacity.

If you feel like you need one of these forms of protection in Mississippi, speak with your local District Attorney’s office for more information on how to apply for such a restraining order.

How to Get a Restraining Order in Mississippi?

If you have been a victim of online harassment or violence in Mississippi, getting a restraining order can help protect your safety. The process is not difficult, but it is important to understand the steps that need to be taken.

  1. The first step is to file a petition with the court where either you or the defendant live, and explain all the details of the abuse. This petition must include facts such as when and where any incidents took place, and it must be signed by you.
  2. After filing your paperwork with the court clerk, you will then go before a judge who will determine whether to grant a restraining order against the respondent.
  3. Once approved, this restraining order requires that the responding party follow certain rules regarding contact and distance between both parties.

Understanding how to get a restraining order in Mississippi may provide invaluable protection for anyone facing a potentially dangerous situation.

Violations of Restraining Orders in MS

Experiencing someone violating their restraining order can be frightening. Whether you are a victim and granted a restraining order or someone close to you. It is imperative to understand the laws covering that protection order. Anyone found guilty of violating a restraining order in Mississippi could face fines and even more serious jail time. Anyone with a restraining order against them must follow it in full to avoid these repercussions.


Remember, if you are feeling unsafe or threatened in any way by another person, it might be time to look into how to get a restraining order in Mississippi and ensure that your safety is protected. With proper knowledge of how and when to get a restraining order in Mississippi, you can feel confident that you are taking all necessary steps to protect yourself and those around you.

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