How To Get a Restraining Order in Montana

Last Updated on June 23, 2023

How To Get a Restraining Order in Montana?

Are you a victim of ongoing harassment or violence in Montana? The best way to protect yourself from further harm is to seek out and obtain a restraining order, also known as an Order of Protection. Taking legal action through getting a restraining order can effectively help reduce or eliminate the likelihood that your abuser will continue their efforts – but what does it take to get one in Montana? This blog post will explore obtaining a restraining order in Montana and outline tips for ensuring it stays enforced.

Understanding the Different Types of Restraining Orders Available in Montana

Protecting yourself from abuse can feel overwhelming, which is why knowing your options for restraining orders in Montana is so essential. Blow listed the different types of restraining orders available in Montana.

Emergency Protective Order (EPO)

An Emergency Protective Order (EPO) is a court order issued by a judge when there is a concern for your safety or the safety of your children. This order can be issued without the abuser, typically lasting for 72 hours. During that time, the abuser must stay away from you, your residence, and any other location where you might go during that period. The EPO also allows you to obtain temporary custody of any shared children with the abuser and quick possession of any shared property.

Interim Protective Order (IPO)

An Interim Protective Order (IPO) is like an EPO, but it lasts longer—typically up to 30 days—and requires both parties to appear in court before it is issued. At that point, the judge will listen to both sides and decide whether an IPO should be given. If so, the order can include additional protections such as granting temporary custody of shared children or ordering supervised visitation, requiring payments for child support or spousal support; prohibiting specific contact between parties; ordering either party out of a shared residence; and more.

Final Protective Order (FPO)

A Final Protective Order (FPO) is similar to an IPO but lasts up to one year and requires both parties to appear in court before it is issued. The FPO can include all provisions included in an IPO and additional requirements such as requiring one party to attend anger management classes or therapy sessions; restricting one party’s access to firearms; requiring restitution payments; and more. Once the FPO has been issued, neither party can violate its terms without facing severe legal consequences.

How to Get a Restraining Order in Montana?

Obtaining a restraining order in Montana is a crucial safety measure to protect individuals from harm. The process can feel intimidating, but understanding the steps can be helpful.

  • First, you must find the forms online or at your local courthouse and complete them. This includes filling out certain identifying information and detailing why you are seeking restraining order protection.
  • Then, you will file the forms with your local district court and, if necessary, request a hearing date.
  • Finally, a hearing will be held. Both parties can make their case at the hearing before a judge decides whether to issue a restraining order.

While it may seem tedious, protecting yourself from potential harm is worth it.

Montana’s Restraining Order Process

The restraining order process is one helpful tool designed to protect victims of abuse and harassment. This process makes it possible for an affected individual to apply for an order in a court of law that requires the defendant to refrain from certain behaviors, such as coming within a certain distance of the victim or specific locations.

Moving forward, an enforced restraining order will give you peace of mind and the assuredness that no harm or abuse will come to you. Keeping yourself safe in Montana with the right resources and support is possible!


Navigating how to get a restraining order in Montana is vital to ensure your and your family’s safety. While seeking help after a traumatic event is never easy, it is necessary for self-protection. Remember that taking steps toward safety and protection is essential when dealing with any threatening situation or relationship.

The process may be complex, but if you’re ready to take responsibility for your security, researching how to get a restraining order in Montana can provide invaluable peace of mind.

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