What Can I Do if I am Being Harassed Online

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

Most people’s bravery shines through online once they realize they can say what they are too afraid to say to someone in person. This means you will be cornered by an internet troll from time to time. However, sometimes those trolls and their trolling comments can turn into harassment. If you are wondering, “What can I do if I am being harassed online,” and want the harassment to stop, keep reading to find out what qualifies as harassment and what you can do to put an end to the abuse.

What Can I Do if I am Being Harassed OnlineExamples of online harassment

  1. Cyberstalking: Cyberstalking is the unwanted pursuit, monitoring, or harassment of another person online. This can include sending unwanted messages, monitoring someone’s social media accounts, or tracking their internet activity. Cyberstalking can be extremely dangerous, leading to physical harm, emotional distress, and even death.
  2. Doxxing: Doxxing intentionally posts an individual’s private information online without their consent. This can include their name, address, phone number, email, or social security number. Doxxing is often used to intimidate or harass someone in real life and can lead to serious consequences, including identity theft and physical harm.
  3. Revenge Porn: Revenge porn involves sharing intimate photos or videos online without the person’s consent. This is often done by a former partner or someone seeking to shame or humiliate another person. Revenge porn is cyberbullying that can devastate an individual’s personal and professional life.
  4. Trolling: Trolling refers to intentionally making inflammatory or offensive comments to provoke an emotional response. Trolls often hide behind anonymous usernames or fake profiles to avoid consequences for their actions. Trolling can be hurtful and upsetting and can often lead to the harassment of other users.
  5. Hate Speech: Hate speech is any speech or expression that is offensive, threatening, or discriminatory towards a specific group of people based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion. Hate speech can harm marginalized people and create a hostile online and offline environment.

Related Post: How to report cyber harassment

What Can I Do If I Am Being Harassed Online?

The first thing you should do is document the incident. Take screenshots of any harassing messages or posts or write down any details that can help identify the harasser – such as an email address or profile name. This will help provide evidence if you decide to take the matter further.

You should also block the harasser from contacting you online by blocking their account and reporting them to the platform where they communicate with you. Be sure to report any messages that contain abusive language, threats, or sexual content.

If the harassment continues and turns into threats of physical harm, you may want to contact your local police department and make a report. This can help protect your safety and discourage the harasser from continuing their behavior.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in this situation, and resources are available to help you. Confide in close friends and family members so they are aware of the situation and can provide you with safety. You can also do some research of your own and look for helplines and resources for cyber harassment. Take care of yourself. Online harassment can be a traumatic experience, so make sure you are taking time for self-care and getting the help you need.

Related Post: How to Report Someone on Facebook for Harassment

Online Harassment Helplines and Resources

If you are a victim of online harassment, it’s essential to seek help and guidance from someone who can support you and provide the resources you need. Several online harassment helplines can assist you, such as the Cyber Civil Rights Initiativethe Trevor Project, and the National Domestic Violence Hotline. These helplines have trained professionals who can offer confidential advice, emotional support, and legal guidance. They can also connect you with local resources and law enforcement agencies if needed.


Online harassment is a serious issue that affects everyone with internet access. As we’ve discussed, online harassment takes many forms, from cyberstalking to hate speech and everything in between. It’s important to remember that online harassment can have real-world consequences, such as emotional distress, physical harm, loss of employment, and reputational damage.

The best way to combat online harassment is to speak out against it, report it to the appropriate authorities, and create a supportive community that does not tolerate this type of behavior. If you are targeted, don’t sit and wonder, “What can I do if I am being harassed online” Instead, do your research and take action immediately! Don’t let your cyberbullies win!

Hire a private investigator for online harassment today and stop being stalked online