Dangers Of Online Dating

Last Updated on July 18, 2023

Dangers Of Online Dating: Extortion On Dating Sites

Instead of meeting people in public settings, many are taking an easier route and making connections online through dating apps. Dating platforms can help people gather the confidence to start conversations with others they might not have the courage to speak to in public. Dating apps also allow more malicious activity, such as dating scams that involve cybercriminals manipulating unsuspecting victims into sending over their hard-earned money. This blog will explain how these scams work and What Should You Do With Extortion On Dating Sites.

How do you know if someone is scamming you on a dating site?

It’s usually not that difficult to tell when a person is acting maliciously; however, when it comes to dating scams, it can be tricky because of how common it is to share personal details and sexual advances for “fun.” So, how can you tell someone is trying to scam you? Below are three common tactics cybercriminals use to scam people out of thousands of dollars.

One of the most common types of scams is catfishing. Catfishers use false identities or fake photos to create an entirely new persona to gain someone’s trust and affection. They often start by asking their victims for money or other favors, so it’s essential to be aware that not everyone who appears online is who they say they are.

Romance scams involve individuals pretending to be interested in a romantic relationship but using it to extract money from their victims. These scams usually start with a long online chat where the scammer builds trust with their target before asking for financial assistance or costly items such as jewelry or electronics.

Phishing scams are another scam commonly found on dating sites and apps. These scammers pretend to be legitimate website members by creating accounts that appear legitimate at first glance. However, instead of chatting with potential dates, they will try to get your personal information, such as credit card numbers or passwords, by sending malicious links through messages or emails that promise free membership access if you click on them.

What are the red flags of a scammer?

Here are common red flags you should look for when meeting someone new online.

They avoid video chats – Most legitimate users will be willing to chat with you if asked. If someone refuses, they are likely hiding something or trying to hide their identity from you. This could indicate that you are dealing with a scammer and should proceed cautiously.

They ask for money – One of the most obvious signs that someone is trying to scam you is if they ask for money directly or try and get your personal financial information from you. Never disclose any financial information, such as credit card or bank account numbers, over the internet. Never send money to

strangers you have met online, no matter what they claim it is for. It’s effortless to make up a sob story to manipulate others.

They have suspicious photos -One of the first things you should look out for is suspicious photos. This can include anything from outdated pictures or photos that don’t match up with the person’s description of themselves. It could also include images stolen from other websites and used without permission. If something seems off about the photos, it may be best to move on and look for someone else.

What are sextortion scams?

Sextortion scams are similar to romance and catfish scams. Scammers hide their identities and gain the trust of their victims. Still, instead of manipulating their victims into giving money willingly, they will manipulate their victims into sending sexual content and then use that content to blackmail them out of money. These criminals will threaten to expose their victims online and to family and friends if they don’t pay their demands.

What are blackmail scams in dating apps?

Blackmail scams are when cybercriminals use victims’ personal information against them and threaten to expose their secrets if their demands are unmet. They can threaten to reveal any damaging information a victim does not want to be known. Their demands can consist of money or more sexual content.

There are many cases where even when victims give in to the demands of their blackmailers, these criminals will come back and ask for more money, causing the abuse to continue until victims reach out for help from experts.

What to do if you’re a victim of sextortion?

If you are a victim of an online dating scam that has led to blackmail or sextortion, you must reach out for help! Most victims are too fearful of exposure, so they keep quiet and give in to the demands of their blackmailer. Doing this will only allow the abuse to continue. The most successful way of stopping these criminals is with the help of experts. We recommend reporting the crime to the police, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), and hiring a cyber investigator. Reaching out to a sextortion helpline and reporting sextortion and other cybercrimes can be the way to end this abuse for good. Don’t suffer in silence! There is help available; fight back today! Report Extortion On Dating Sites