How To Spot And Avoid Romanian Romance Scams

Last Updated on April 18, 2023

Oil Rig Romance Scam: Protect Yourself From Scammers

Let’s say you have found your ideal match on one of your favorite dating apps. You have similar interests, hobbies, and goals and want something serious. The only thing interfering with this blossoming romance is their work on an oil rig thousands and thousands of miles away and their need for money to make meetings possible. This storyline is what oil rig romance scams consist of. If you want to learn more about how these scams work and what you can do to prevent yourself from falling for them, keep reading.

Warning signs of romance scammer

Emotional Appeal

The scammer will most likely use an emotional appeal to entice the victim. They will try to create a bond with their target and create a sense of trust in the relationship. In most cases, they will ask for personal information about the victim and use it to create a more personal connection. They often ask for financial assistance, which they assure their victim they will repay once they return from the rig.

Asking for Money

Asking for money is the clearest sign that you’re being scammed. Scammers will ask for money for various reasons. It could be to pay for a visa, a plane ticket, or any other reason. They may also say they need the money to invest in their oil rig project. It’s important not to send money to anyone you’ve only interacted with online, regardless of the reason given.

Inconsistencies in Story

Please pay attention to their stories. Inconsistencies in their stories, such as changed dates or places or different versions told, are typically signs that they are lying. A vague backstory adds to the credibility of their persona on an oil rig, which is a part of their scam. Be skeptical and ask lots of questions.

Being Pressured

Another warning sign is if the individual becomes pushy, demanding answers to their requests, or becoming insistent, it’s worth considering if this person is genuine. Genuine people will respect your boundaries and understand if you need time or space to decide.

Prevention and Recovery Tips & Tricks

Yes, meeting people online has become the new “norm;” however, sharing parts of yourself with the wrong people can be very dangerous. The internet is a place people can decide whom they want to be. They only need a fake photo and have an impressive knack for lying. So, how can you prevent falling victim to a romance scammer? Here are some tips and tricks.

Protect Yourself From Oil Rig Romance Scam

1. Be Alert and Don’t Ignore the Red Flags

Oil rig romance scammers are very good at what they do, but they also have some habits and traits that can give them away. They may appear too affectionate, ask for personal information too soon, or refuse to do video calls. They may also have profiles with little or no information, photos that look too professional, or a story that doesn’t add up. Pay attention to these warning signs. Trust your gut, do your research, and avoid any personal or financial transactions with them until you are sure of their intentions.

2. Keep Your Private Information Private

Romance scammers are after your money, but they may also use your personal information to commit identity theft, open bogus accounts in your name, or blackmail you later. Keep your personal information, such as your full name, address, place of work, bank details, social security number, etc., private. Avoid sharing sensitive information with anyone whom you have not yet met in person and whom you trust completely.

3. Look for Resources and Support

If an oil rig romance scammer has scammed you, know that you are not alone, and it’s not your fault. Reach out to relevant resources and support groups for help. These could include local law enforcement agencies, online forums and groups for romance scam victims, counseling services, and financial advisors. They can offer you emotional support, practical advice, and help to deal with the scam’s aftermath.

4. Be Patient and Don’t Blame Yourself

Recovering from an oil rig romance scam can be complex and lengthy. Don’t blame yourself for what happened or rush the healing process. Take time to grieve, process your emotions, and rebuild your life. Talk to family and friends, stay positive, and focus on self-care. Also, report the scam to relevant authorities, and work with them in seeking justice and recovering your losses.


Oil rig romance scams can often be avoided by being aware, asking questions, and being skeptical. Before jumping straight in, research the individual, and do not send money. If you are scammed, report it to the relevant authorities and seek professional help. Remember, people who are genuinely interested in you will take their time, respect your boundaries, and build your trust. Stay vigilant and stay safe. You may also contact our team of cyber investigators. Just visit or helpline page and submit the form