Top Philippines Dating Scams In 2023

Last Updated on May 16, 2023

Top Philippines Dating Scams In 2023

It can be hard to navigate the dating world, especially when scams seem to be lurking around every corner. These days, some of the most common scams are those related to Philippine dating – and unfortunately, it’s easy for victims to become taken in by their smooth-talking con artists. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the top Philippines dating scams in 2023 so you know what red flags to look out for and how best to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

What are the signs of a dating scammer?

It can be hard to spot a dating scammer, as they often use strategic techniques to manipulate emotions and deceive their partners. However, signs of a potential scammer are shared across different countries and environments, including the Philippines. These signs can include:

· Making overly romantic gestures early on – such as professing love before meeting in person – or requesting money for financial assistance.

· If your new partner cannot meet with you face-to-face or appears overly secretive about their personal life, it may be a red flag that they are trying to take advantage of you financially.

· Finally, asking you to switch from the dating app or website to another platform like text or email. This swift maneuver is so the scammer’s moves cannot be tracked.

Dating scams have major emotional repercussions, so it is important to remember details that seem out of the ordinary.

What are common scams on dating sites?

Dating sites can seem magical, where love is just a few clicks away. However, they often contain hidden dangers lurking beneath the surface. Common scams on dating sites include:


This cybercrime involves an individual or organization using intimate images to extort money from victims. Typically, sextortion begins with perpetrators threatening to release the victim’s sensitive materials if they do not comply with their demands.


Refers to an individual using a fake identity – usually with a made-up name and pictures – to lure people into a relationship for their own benefit.

Romance Scams:

This occurs when fraudsters use a false identity, typically pose as potential love interests, build trust with their victims, and then attempt to swindle them out of money. Such scammers often prey on the loneliness and desperation of their victims to extract money or personal information at the expense of their sincerity and trust.

Phishing Scams:

Frauds that use deception to acquire passwords, credit card numbers, and other private information with malicious intent.

Cryptocurrency scams: Individuals posing as potential romantic matches on popular dating apps; these fraudsters offer to invest in cryptocurrency on behalf of their would-be love interests in exchange for them depositing funds into the scammer’s accounts under false pretenses. These malicious actors often

use fear tactics and emotions by claiming cryptocurrency investments will only be available for a limited time when such investments are not being made.

It is essential to arm yourself with knowledge before participating in online dating so you know the risks involved and can take precautions to avoid them.

How to spot a Filipina scammer

Spotting a scammer can be difficult, but there are specific characteristics that Filipina scammers possess that can set off alarm bells. Like any other scammer, Usually, they will be eager to move the conversation off the dating app and onto another platform as quickly as possible. This ensures that dating applications or websites cannot track the scammer. Unfortunately, scammers will sometimes also prey upon cultural traditions such as the Filipino custom of generosity and politeness. Additionally, watch for overly flattering messages, a tactic Filipina scammers use to gain your trust.

Be aware that signs of a potential Filipina scammer could include requests for personal bank details to send remittances from overseas or other more specific recommendations related to traditional Filipino customs. With vigilance, it is possible to protect yourself and your assets from potential scams in the future.

How to report Philippines dating scams in the US

If you have been a victim of a Philippines dating scam in the United States, it is vital that you take the necessary steps to report it. Report the crime to the local law enforcement and the FBI’S Crime Complaint Center.

Be sure to include information on how much money you were scammed out of and if there were any threats made by the perpetrator. Reporting such cases could help to prevent similar situations from occurring again and will allow you to get closure for yourself. Do not be afraid to share your story; it could save someone else from going through the same experience as you.

In conclusion, if you or someone you know is facing a dating scam in the Philippines, immediately reach out for help. Our cyber investigators are ready to take your case right away. Contact our 24/7 sextortion helpline, and remember you are not alone when dealing with a Philippines dating scam. Stay safe, everyone!