What to do when Someone Threatens to Expose Photos of you

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

We get it; you were in the moment, emotions were raised, and the temptation was too much, so you gave in and sent a scandalous photo of yourself to someone, and now they are threatening to expose you online if you don’t do what they say or give them what they want. Online blackmail is a common cybercrime that many individuals find themselves in. What to do when Someone Threatens to Expose Photos of you? If you want to overcome this heinous crime, keep reading for tips.

What to do when Someone Threatens to Expose Photos of you

What to do when Someone Threatens to Expose Photos of you?

1. Keep Yourself Calm

The first and foremost thing you should do when you receive a blackmail threat is to keep yourself calm and composed. Do not panic or make any hasty decisions that can worsen things. Stay strong, and don’t let the fear of being exposed take hold.

2. Do Not Meet Demands or Pay Ransom

Blackmailers usually try to pressure the victims by demanding money, favors, etc., in exchange for not revealing their secrets. However, by doing so, you become vulnerable to their every whim. Thus, never give in and refuse their demands. Not only will their demands escalate, but you also will be giving in to their tactics, which can instill further bad behavior.

3. Involve Trusted People

You are not alone and should confide in people you trust family, friends, or even law enforcement. By involving trusted people, you can help obtain emotional and social support while taking action to stop the blackmailer. Also, if you have evidence, do not hesitate to report it to the relevant authorities, who will pursue an investigation and a sextortion helpline for support.

4. Seek Legal Assistance

If a blackmailer threatens you with a serious crime, such as extortion, it’s time to seek legal help immediately. A lawyer can ensure you are within your rights and guide you through the legal process. Moreover, a proficient lawyer can help you take legal recourse and fight back to protect your name and reputation.

5. Protect Yourself

Lastly, try to take steps to protect yourself online. Take down any vulnerable information or photos you don’t want to be exposed to, and increase privacy settings. Stay vigilant and avoid any situation which could expose you to further danger. It’s also worth considering online reputation management tools for further protection.

How to stop & report online blackmail?

The most effective way of stopping online blackmail and putting an end to it for good is to include the help of authorities and cyber investigators. You should gather as much evidence of the blackmail as possible. This includes names, dates, accounts, emails, etc. The more information you have on your blackmailer, the greater your chance of bringing them to justice.

Once evidence is documented, you should report it to your local authorities. They will be able to assist and guide you in the further right direction. Most local stations do not have a cybercrime department; therefore, the police and we encourage you to report to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.

It would be best if you also looked into a cyber security company like ours to help with the investigation. Here at Cyber Investigation can help gather quality evidence that will help the authorities uncover whom the threats are coming from and where they are coming from in cases of cybercriminals masking their identity.

Whatever you may choose to do, we advise you to seek as much help as you can. Dealing with online blackmail, whether it is blackmail on Snapchat, Instagram blackmail, or any other popular social media platform, is complex and can traumatize victims. The more help and support you have, the better your chances of overcoming this challenging time.


In conclusion, being blackmailed is scary, but with the appropriate steps and protection, you can overcome this and emerge stronger. Remember to stay calm and collected, do not give in to their demands, seek trusted individuals’ help, consider legal assistance, and protect yourself online. Through these steps, you can protect your reputation and show the blackmailer that their tactics have no place in your life.

Thanks for reading our helpful article “What to do when Someone Threatens to Expose Photos of you”. Stay Safe!