How to Prevent Facebook Messenger Sextortion

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

Facebook Messenger has transformed the way we can connect with others indefinitely, with billions of users worldwide on the application. However, this connection also comes with a price, as online scammers and predators find ways to exploit vulnerable people. One of the most prevalent online threats today is Facebook messenger sextortion. This blog post will discuss the red flags of sextortion on Facebook Messenger and ways to prevent becoming a victim.

What Are Red Flags of Sextortion on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook messenger sextortion can happen to anyone, whether they are chatting with strangers or their close friends. Knowing the red flags of sextortion can help you recognize when you are in danger and prevent you from becoming a victim. Here are some common red flags of sextortion on Facebook Messenger:

• Unsolicited friend requests – If you receive a friend request from a stranger, be cautious. They may be trying to impersonate someone else or using a fake profile.

• Personal information sharing – If the person you are messaging asks for your personal information, such as phone number, email address, home address, or any other sensitive information, do not share it.

• Over-the-top compliments – Be wary of people who shower you with compliments, especially when they hardly know you. Such behavior could be a tactic to gain your trust and exploit you later.

• Asking for intimate pictures or videos – sharing any compromising information online is one of the biggest red flags. This is a common tactic used in the scam of sextortion.

Educating Yourself on Online Safety

One of the best ways to protect yourself from Facebook Messenger sextortion is by educating yourself on the topic. Facebook Messenger has new features and updates, including end-to-end encryption for all messages, allowing only the sender and recipient to read the content. In addition, users can now control who can message them, report suspicious activity, and secure their accounts with two-factor authentication.

Additionally, Messenger uses AI to detect suspicious activity, such as phishing attempts and alerts users immediately. These security measures not only protect our personal information but also provide peace of mind while staying connected with our loved ones online. Lastly, if you encounter an online scammer or sextortionist, make sure to report the criminal right away. Start by reporting them directly to Facebook. Next, report them to local law enforcement and the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. Seek help from friends and family and let them know what you are going through. Make sure to remember you are not alone, and sextortion is becoming a global epidemic and is a very serious crime with legal implications.

How to Prevent Facebook Messenger Sextortion?

Facebook Messenger has become an incredibly popular platform for communication, providing a convenient and fast way to stay connected with friends and family. If you want to keep cyber crimes like sextortion at bay while enjoying the convenience of Facebook Messenger, follow our tips given below:

1. Keep your personal information private: Don’t share your phone number, email, or home address with strangers.

2. Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your Facebook account.

3. Use strong passwords: Create strong, unique passwords for your Facebook account.

4. Only accept friend requests from people you know and trust: Don’t accept a request from strangers.

5. Avoid sharing intimate pictures or videos: Don’t share personal information that could leave you vulnerable to sextortion.


Sextortion on Facebook Messenger is real, and it is happening more frequently than you might think. Knowing the red flags of sextortion, educating yourself on online safety, and following the guidelines to prevent sextortion will help you stay safe while using Messenger. Remember, if someone makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, report it and move on. Stay vigilant and protect yourself from becoming a victim of Facebook messenger sextortion.

Now that you know how to protect yourself from FB Messenger sextortion, ensure you share this information with others and raise awareness amongst friends and family. Stay safe and prevent online sextortion today!