How to Stop Sextortion On Instagram

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

With over one billion monthly active users, Instagram has opened a plethora of opportunities to people from all walks of life. However, while there are numerous benefits of engaging on Instagram, there are also some drawbacks, like sextortion. Keep reading to find effective strategies to stop sextortion on Instagram.

Strengthening Privacy and Security on Instagram

Strengthening your privacy and security on Instagram is crucial to stopping sextortion. Take the steps below to enhance your Instagram account and further protect yourself against online crimes alike. 1. Two-factor authentication: Instagram introduced two-factor authentication in 2016 to make user accounts more secure. With two-factor authentication, users must verify their identity through a phone number, email, or app-based authenticator before logging in. This step adds an extra layer of security to Instagram accounts, making it harder for hackers to access user account details.

2. Private Accounts: Apart from two-factor authentication, another measure to improve user privacy is to make the user’s Instagram account private. With a private account, users can control who can view their content and deter unwanted people and bots from following them. The user must approve every individual who wants to follow them before they can view their posts.

3. Activity Status: Instagram’s activity status feature shows when the user was last active on the platform and whether they are currently online. However, the feature can be turned off to keep the user’s online presence hidden from others, which is ideal for anyone looking to protect their privacy.

4. Reporting Features: Instagram provides a comprehensive report feature with options to report spam, hateful comments, and inappropriate content. The platform also has a support team that investigates and blocks accounts that violate community standards. Users are encouraged to report suspicious activity immediately to ensure their account’s safety.

5. Settings and Restrictions: Apart from the features mentioned above, Instagram provides advanced settings and restrictions that users can customize to ensure maximum privacy. For example, users can choose who can see their activity status and location data or decide who can tag or mention them in posts. The platform also allows parents and guardians to restrict certain activities that may expose their children to unwanted content or people.

How to Stop Sextortion on Instagram?

It is critical to understand the process of sextortion to stop it on Instagram effectively. Online sextortion generally occurs when someone obtains compromising images or videos of someone else and then threatens to expose or distribute them if the victim refuses to provide sexual favors or money. To stop sextortion, start by reporting the crime to Instagram. Instagram has a specialized team that goes through and reviews these reports. Make sure to document all the evidence of the crime. You can also report the crime to your local police and the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. Remember reporting the crime helps stop these dangerous crimes and prevents the criminal from making future attempts.

Promoting Digital Literacy and Online Safety

Understanding digital literacy and online safety will help you protect yourself from sextortion on Instagram and other online platforms. People that prey on victims understand that they are more vulnerable and can be easily coerced into sextortion activities if they are unaware. Therefore, it is critical to spread awareness of the dangers of sextortion and encourage people to be cautious about what they share online. Additionally, by using safety features on social media applications like 2-factor authentication, strong passwords, and keeping your account private, you can further protect yourself from online criminals alike. Remember, never share compromising information over social media applications with individuals you do not know and trust.


Instagram sextortion is a growing problem in society today. The strategies mentioned above can help prevent and stop sextortion on Instagram and other social media platforms. By promoting digital literacy and online safety and staying alert, you can minimize your risk of falling victim to sextortion. Always be cautious about the online information you share and be vigilant about the kind of people with whom you connect online. Together, we can stop sextortion on Instagram for good.

If you need additional help on how to stop sextortion on Instagram, reach out to Cyber Investigations. You can speak with one of our experts for advice on your next steps. Remember, you are not alone; Instagram sextortion is a pervasive problem affecting people globally.