Should you be worried about sextortion email

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

We all have our fair share of unwanted spam emails that flood our inboxes that we ignore. However, have you ever received an email that claims to have your intimate content and is being held for ransom? This is called email sextortion, a big problem we are seeing more today. In this blog, we will discuss how to deal with one once it comes your way and if you should be worried about a sextortion email or not.

Is sextortion email real?

Email sextortion consists of a blackmailer sending a malicious email that consists of your sexually intimate content (photos, videos, messages) and threatening to expose them publicly to all of your friends, family, colleagues, etc. if you do not pay their ransom. The ransom could consist of money, more sexual content, or providing private information.

You will know when a sextortion email is real when their threats prove they have your sexual content. To make sure their victim knows their threats are serious and they mean business, a blackmailer will include their victim’s sexual content in the email and any information they have found of their victim. This includes screenshots of their family and friends’ social media accounts, place of employment, address, etc. These criminals will not shy away from proving they have something you do not want to be made public. The purpose of a sextortion email is to frighten a victim enough to get them to pay a ransom. So, the more proof these criminals have, the more they will share.

In many cases, a sextortion email is a hoax and a way for cybercriminals to use scare tactics and manipulate their victims into sending money or other goods without causing a real threat. In this case, the email will consist of only threats of exposure but will not provide any proof of your sexual content. Most people’s private information gets leaked in data breaches and land on the wrong side of the internet, where the dark web resides. This is where cybercriminals can access your email address and reach out with these empty threats. So, if you receive a sextortion email that claims to have your sexual content but provides no proof even when you ask for some, don’t fall for it; ignore it and move on.

How to deal with sextortion emails

Email sextortion is a serious crime and should be dealt with as a real threat. It’s important to know that even if a person has no real intentions of exposing someone’s images, threatening them is still a crime. Here are some tips on how to deal with online sextortion:

Document threats and any other helpful information that can assist in an investigation. This includes emails, names, phone numbers, etc.

Do not give in to the demands of your blackmailer. We know how scary their threats can be; however, avoiding giving them what they ask is essential. This will only encourage them to come back asking for more.

Report their email address to the platform it has taken place. Most email platforms, if not all of them, have a reporting system for abusive material.

Implement storing privacy settings on all of your online accounts. As mentioned, these cybercriminals will do a deep dive into your online presence and will try and use anything they find against you. Making sure your accounts are private and have limited information will interfere with their plan.

Lastly, report the harassment to the authorities and cyber experts. This will only help you in the long run and give you the expertise and support to overcome a traumatic crime like this.


At the end of the day, it is imperative to remember that even if the threats of sextortion seem empty or insignificant, it is still a serious crime that should not be taken lightly. It is important to remember to document any online abuse you may experience and report it as soon as possible to your email platform and local authorities. Additionally, make sure to keep all your online accounts and personal information secure and private to not entice potential perpetrators from taking advantage of you in such a vulnerable way. Let’s work together to create a safer internet for all of us by reporting online sextortion.

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