How to Report Blackmail

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

It’s a scary feeling when you realize you’re being blackmailed. You may feel like you’re in over your head and don’t know where to turn. But help is available. This blog post will provide you with information on How to Report Blackmail & What to do if you are being blackmailed, as well as how to report someone who is blackmailing you online.

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Can the police do anything about blackmail?

Yes, If the police can identify the person who is blackmailing you, they may be able to press charges. This could result in jail time for the individual or, at the very least, a restraining order that would prevent them from contacting you again. Even if the police are not able to identify the blackmailer, filing a report can help stop future incidents from occurring. You can also reach out to third-party companies that are trained to deal with these kinds of cyber terrorizers. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that blackmail is a crime in most jurisdictions and should therefore not be taken lightly.

What Should I Do If I’m Being Blackmailed?

If you are being blackmailed, the best thing to do is get help immediately! Do not handle this on your own. Make sure to talk with someone 1 in 3 victims is staying silent.

Be sure to have as much information about the blackmailer as possible, such as their name, address, phone number, email address, and any other identifying information. If you have any emails, text messages, or other communications from the blackmailer, be sure to document those as well. In addition to reaching out for help, there are also a few steps you can take to protect yourself from further harm:

What To Do If Being Blackmailed:

  1. Change your passwords: Be sure to change your passwords for all of your online accounts, including email, social media, and financial accounts. If the person who is blackmailing you knows your passwords, they will be able to access your accounts even after you change them. So, it’s important to choose new passwords that are strong and difficult for someone else to guess.
  2. Review your privacy settings: Take a look at your privacy settings for all of your online accounts (including social media) and adjust them as necessary. For example, if you’re being threatened with exposure on social media, consider making your account private so that only people whom you know can see what you post.
  3. Be cautious about what you post online: Once something is posted online, it’s there forever—even if you delete it later. So, it’s important to be careful about what photos and videos you share on social media or through other online channels. Remember that even if an image or video seems innocent at first glance, it could be used by a malicious individual for nefarious purposes.
  4. Document everything: It is a good idea to keep copies of any other evidence related to the case (e.g., screenshots of social media posts). Having this evidence will help support your case and hold the perpetrator accountable for their actions.

How Do I Report Someone Who is Blackmailing Me Online?

You can Report the crime directly to us online and through our 24/7 blackmail hotline. We are here to support you through this difficult time. There is no shame. Contact Us ASAP. We’ve helped thousands. Cyber Investigation is trained to deal with these cyber bullies contact us today to report blackmail.

No one deserves to be a victim of online blackmail. If you are being threatened with exposure or harm unless you do what someone else wants, know that help is available and you are not alone. With time, patience, and support from loved ones, you will get through this difficult time.