What to do if i'm being blackmailed on Instagram

Last Updated on November 22, 2023

In this day and age, where social media is seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, it’s not uncommon to come across malicious individuals who may try to use your personal information to extort you. Instagram, being one of the most widely used social media platforms, has its fair share of online blackmail cases. If you are ever in the unfortunate position of being blackmailed on Instagram, it’s essential to know what to do. In this blog post, we will explain what you should do if you’re being blackmailed on Instagram.

How do you deal with blackmail on Instagram?

1. Do not give in to the demands of the blackmailer.

The first rule is not to comply with the blackmailer’s demands. In addition to the fact that this only furthers their actions, it additionally does not guarantee that they won’t continue to blackmail you after fulfilling their demands or even ask for more. This is why it’s best to ignore and not give in to the demands of the blackmailer.

Most victims have two thoughts: if I give them what they want, they will leave me alone, or if I ignore their threats and don’t respond, they will give up. Both are incorrect and should be avoided at all costs. These criminals do not give up, especially after they have successfully received money. It’s best to take the situation head-on and think of a plan.

2. Report blackmail on Instagram

After you have been blackmailed on Instagram, report the user’s account to Instagram immediately. Instagram takes online harassment and blackmail cases very seriously, so it’s imperative you make a report. When making a report, be sure to provide supporting evidence, like screenshots of the message(s) you received and any other evidence that supports your claims.

3. Secure your account and change your passwords

Blackmailers can access your social media accounts and can steal personal information if they try hard enough. Therefore, after reporting the blackmailer to Instagram, proceed to secure your Instagram account. Start by changing your passwords immediately. We recommend using a strong password that includes a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.

4. Inform someone you trust about the blackmail

Inform someone you trust or your loved ones about the blackmail, especially if it’s something that concerns their privacy or your safety. You do not need to be alone during this time, and if discussing this matter with someone you trust makes you feel safer, we recommend doing so.

5. Contact the police

If you believe that your safety is at risk or if you receive threatening messages, it’s best to inform the authorities. You can contact your local police department immediately to report any form of blackmail. Provide them with the evidence you have collected, have a written report of the case, and explain everything that has happened to you.

Do blackmailers give up if you ignore them?

Blackmailers typically operate with the motive of gaining something valuable from their victims, whether it’s money, information, or other forms of assets. They use various tactics to instill fear and create a sense of urgency, often threatening to expose sensitive information or harm the victim in some way unless their demands are met.

When a victim chooses to ignore such demands, the outcome can be unpredictable. Some blackmailers may give up, finding it unproductive to continue their attempts without any response. However, others may view the silence as a challenge and escalate their threats, potentially following through on their initial warnings. The value of the product or information they’re interested in doesn’t necessarily diminish by ignoring them; it largely depends on the blackmailer’s determination and the overall importance of the information or product to them.

If you find yourself a victim of blackmail, ignoring the perpetrator is a risky strategy. Instead, it would be advisable to take certain steps to protect yourself.

First, don’t engage or negotiate with the blackmailer. Next, document all interactions for evidence, including messages, emails, or any other form of communication.

Report the incident to local law enforcement and, if the blackmail involves online activities, to the relevant online platform. If possible, consult with a legal expert to understand your rights and potential courses of action. Most importantly, try not to panic. Remember that professional help is available, and you’re not alone in this situation.

Can I call the police for Instagram blackmail?

Yes, in many jurisdictions, threatening someone with the release of compromising materials, often referred to as “revenge porn” or “non-consensual pornography,” is illegal. This behavior might also be categorized under extortion or blackmail laws, both of which are criminal offenses.

In the U.S., for example, federal law addresses extortion under 18 U.S.C. § 875(d), which states that anyone who uses interstate or foreign communication to demand or receive anything of value in exchange for not informing on or not revealing information about, a legal violation can be fined or imprisoned.

Moreover, many U.S. states have specific laws against non-consensual pornography. The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative provides a helpful list of these laws (source: www.cybercivilrights.org/revenge-porn-laws/).

How do you outsmart a blackmailer?

The best way to outsmart your blackmailer is to keep these steps in mind. It’s crucial to avoid giving in without a fight. Make a plan without your blackmailer’s knowledge. The more support you have from loved ones and authorities, the greater the chances are of capturing your blackmailer and putting this to an end for good.


In conclusion, being blackmailed on Instagram can be a stressful experience. However, it’s essential to remember that you are not alone. The first rule when being blackmailed on Instagram is not to give in to the blackmailer’s demands. Additionally, report the blackmail to Instagram, secure your account, inform someone you trust, and contact the authorities if necessary. Remember that Instagram takes blackmail cases very seriously, and you can always receive help in resolving your case. Stay safe and vigilant online! Contact blackmail helpline to stop sextortion on instagram