What to do if someone is blackmailing you on social media

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

Social media can be all fun and games until someone takes it too far and threatens to exploit another individual. Social media blackmail has become too common because people share their private lives online. If you are being threatened on social media and experiencing Instagram blackmail or blackmail on Facebook, keep reading to learn how to protect yourself from these cybercrimes. We’ll discuss what to do if someone is blackmailing you on social media?

Is blackmail on social media illegal?

Yes – blackmail on social media, also referred to as cyber-blackmail or online blackmail, is illegal and considered a severe cybercrime—many U.S. states have passed state and federal laws that prohibit cyber acts of stalking, blackmail, extortion, revenge porn, and more. Most states classify blackmail as extortion, and are considered a crime under state or federal law. Blackmail is typically classified as a felony and can result in multi-prison sentences and hefty fines. On a federal level, a conviction can result in a prison sentence of up to one year, a fine of up to $100,000, or both.

Should I call the police if I’m being blackmailed on social media?

As we mentioned, online blackmail is a serious crime with hefty fines and sentencing. If you are being blackmailed on social media, you have every right to report the crime to the police and bring your blackmailers to justice. Most cases of social media blackmail go underreported, which means thousands of victims are suffering in silence with no help.

It’s common for victims to have feelings of fear, helplessness, and embarrassment due to the content that is being used against them for blackmail which can be nude videos, photos, medical records, secrets, affairs, etc. However, giving in to the demands of your blackmailer will only grant them more power and encourage them to continue the blackmail and take more money or goods from you.

With today’s high volume of social media blackmail, the police are aware of the rising issue and are there to help where they can. Don’t be afraid to speak up; the only person you are hurting by doing so is yourself. Take immediate action and report the crime as soon as it happens!

Where do I report social media blackmail?

The first place to start reporting online blackmail is by contacting the social media platform itself. Most social media websites have a process for reporting harassment, blackmail, and other forms of online abuse.

It’s imperative that you have documented as much of the blackmail as possible. Having documentation of the harassing messages, calls, emails, social media posts, names, dates, etc., is extremely helpful for an investigation once you make a report to the authorities and cybercrime investigators.

Additionally, we highly recommend considering contacting law enforcement agencies. They have the authority and resources to investigate blackmail cases and take appropriate action against the perpetrator. By reporting social media blackmail, you can protect yourself and prevent the blackmail from escalating to more severe situations.

However, for those who need more time to be ready to involve law enforcement, non-governmental organizations can offer assistance. NGOs can address the personal and emotional trauma caused by social media blackmail and provide resources and support to victims. For example, Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) in the US, UK Safer Internet Centre, and Report Harmful Content are among the organizations that provide information, support, and resources to victims of online abuse.


Online blackmail is a menace that poses significant harm to victims. Victims and those around them must understand the steps to take when faced with social media blackmail. The reporting process can feel daunting, but organizations, social media platforms, and law enforcement agencies are available to provide support and resources to victims. The key is to remain vigilant, protect your online privacy, secure your personal information, and report the blackmail to the relevant authorities. By doing this, we can make social media safer for everyone.