How To Recover From Sextortion

Last Updated on July 7, 2023

Sextortion is one of the fastest-moving cybercrimes to hit the nation. In recent years the crime rate across the US has been on the rise. With Online crimes like these becoming more prevalent, what are the consequences of these criminals’ actions and how can I recover from Sextortion? Keeping to find out all that and more.

What are the consequences of sextortion?

Sextortion is a growing cybercrime that can have long-lasting, devastating consequences on its victims. Victims of sextortion are extorted into sending money or intimate photos by way of blackmail. Often, the perpetrators use false promises or threats as leverage to receive a payoff. People typically become targets of sextortion through social networks or dating sites and are then coerced into producing images or videos for the offenders.

Unfortunately, sextortion can have an irreparable emotional toll on those who fall prey to it – potential guilt, shame, and fear of public humiliation can last long after the experience has ended. Financial loss and damage to one’s reputation are two other very real risks associated with this form of extortion; victims’ lives can be drastically affected by their assailants. In all cases, it is essential to seek help if you find yourself in such a situation, as there are resources available that can assist with navigating out of it.

What are the Penalties for Sextortion?

The penalties for sextortion can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the laws of the jurisdiction where the crime is committed. In general, however, sextortion is considered a serious criminal offense and can carry severe penalties, including:

  1. Imprisonment: Sextortion is a felony in most jurisdictions, and conviction can result in a long prison sentence.
  2. Fines: A person convicted of sextortion may be ordered to pay significant fines as a part of their sentence.
  3. Sex offender registration: In some states, a person convicted of sextortion may be required to register as a sex offender.
  4. Restitution: A person convicted of sextortion may be ordered to pay restitution to the victim for any financial losses or other damages they suffered as a result of the crime.
  5. Civil action: The victim of sextortion may also be able to take civil action against the perpetrator, seeking damages for emotional distress, lost wages, and other harm caused by the crime.

It is also worth noting that depending on the laws of where the crime was committed, sextortion could be considered a form of extortion and could be punishable under extortion laws.

How to Recover from Sextortion?

Dealing with the aftermath of sextortion can be tough, but there are ways to cope. Consider talking to a therapist or counselor to help you process your feelings and develop coping strategies. Joining a support group with others who have gone through similar experiences can also be helpful. Taking care of yourself, like getting enough sleep and eating well, can improve your mood.

Be kind and understanding with yourself, and remember that healing takes time. Educating yourself about sextortion can help you understand your own experiences and feel more in control. Mindfulness and meditation can also help you stay present. Remember, recovery takes time, but with the right support, you can move forward.


There are a lot of different avenues you can take to try and recover from this heinous crime. Remember that you are not alone people across the world are facing this cyber threat. It is imperative you speak up and report sextortion right away.

If you or someone you know needs help with recovering from sextortion, reach out to Cyber Investigation right away. Our Sextortion helpline is available 24/7